NCBWG: Student and Young Professional Outreach
2017 NCB Conference Student poster award winners and student committee |
2019 NCB Conference Student poster award winners and student committee |
NewsIn early 2018, the ASA-BIOP Nonclinical Biostatistics Working Group (NCBWG) endorsed the creation of a new workstream to reach out to graduate students and young professionals who are interested in nonclinical biostatistics. Broadly speaking, nonclinical biostatistics includes four main areas of application: Discovery, Safety, Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC), and –Omics. Learn more about nonclinical biostatistics by
clicking here.At the
Nonclinical Biostatistics Conference, to be held in June 2023, we will offer a
student poster competition.
Poster templates (36" x 48") may be downloaded here. The first-place award is $250; the second-place award is $150. Posters will be judged on content, presentation, and contribution to a biopharmaceutical topic. Judges will review all posters and decide on award recipients. A limited number of financial travel grants are available to full-time students, with preference given to registered students presenting a poster in the area of nonclinical statistics. Contact
Jyh-Ming Shoung or
Wei Zhao for additional details or to apply for the student travel grant. For some oral presentation tips,
click here.
- Enrich students with information and insights with regards to the incredible opportunities in the area of nonclinical biostatistics.
- Support the Nonclinical Biostatistics Conference.
- Provide a forum for students and young professionals to actively engage in ASA-BIOP activities.
- Help bridge the academic-industry divide by providing a dialogue among a diverse community of students, young professionals, and industry veterans.
Job SkillsWhat skills do I need for a job in the biopharmaceutical industry? Take a look at recent nonclinical statistics job descriptions
Please visit
AmStat Job Web to see current job postings.
ContactFor more information or to volunteer, please contact our co-chairs
Jyh-Ming Shoung or
Wei Zhao.