
All Episodes

All past episodes are available here. Be sure to subscribe to the Biopharmaceutical Section Podcast through iTunes.

Recent Episodes


Episode 109: Ian Sturdy

Date: 2024-06-09

Description: Ian describes how to leverage ChatGPT to accelerate statistical programming in the medical product industry.
Related paper available here

Episode 108: Working Moms

Date: 2024-05-06

Description: Elaine Hoffman, Rebbecca Wilson, Christina Nurse, and Amy LaLonde discuss the balancing act between family and career.

Episode 107: SPAIG Committee

Date: 2024-02-09

Description: Scott Clark, Satrajit Roychoudhury, and Michelle Shardell discuss the Statistical Partnerships Among Academe, Industry & Government (SPAIG) Committee. https://community.amstat.org/spaig/home

Episode 106: Rebbecca Wilson

Date: June 02, 2023

Description: Amy welcomes Rebbecca to the co-hosting chair while Christina enjoys some time off with her new baby (congrats)! The two discuss Rebbecca’s fascinating career thus far and how communication styles differ across male and female leaders. Reference: https://hbr.org/2022/12/research-men-speak-more-abstractly-than-women.

Episode 105: Adrian Coles and Wendy Martinez

Date: April 28, 2023
Description: Adrian and Wendy discuss imposter syndrome and being confident in your career. 

Episode 104: Steve Ruberg

Date: January 17, 2023
Description: In our first episode of the new year, we interview Steve Ruberg, an ASA fellow with over 35 years of experience in the biopharmaceutical industry and an active proponent of the Tripartite Estimand Approach.