Safety Scientific Working Group

ASA Biopharm Safety Working Group (SWG)

Mission:  Empower the biostatistics community and interdisciplinary safety management partnerships to better enable qualitative and quantitative safety evaluation throughout drug development life cycle

Our goals are to:

  • Encourage increased use of systematic safety assessment approaches
  • Where appropriate, develop new methods to address the existing safety challenges
  • Educate the broader statistical community to understand and contribute to this important area
  • Increase statisticians’ leadership roles in cross-functional collaboration
  • Communicate statistical perspectives to larger clinical trial community
The SWG consists of three workstreams (WS), which are general scope and relatively long-term.

Each workstream includes several task forces (TF), which are deliverable-based and time-bounded.

Check out our new book!
Quantitative Methodologies and Process for Safety Monitoring and Ongoing Benefit Risk Evaluation (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series)
by William Wang (Editor), Melvin Munsaka (Editor), James Buchanan (Editor), Judy Li (Editor)


  • Publisher links
  • Companion website 
    • TBD