Welcome to the home page of the Estimands in Oncology Scientific Working Group (SWG).
Our goal is to develop a cross collaboration platform to:
· Ensure common understanding and consistent definitions for key estimands in Oncology trials with different tumor types
· Interact with the regulators and the broader clinical community to obtain a better understanding of their requirements
· Improve understanding of causality with regard to T2E endpoints
· Publish white papers with recommendations, for statisticians and non-statisticians, and providing trainings, workshops and talks
· Promote good practice through templates for study protocols and statistical analysis plans
More information about who we are and our projects as well access to all presentations and manuscripts is available on our homepage (link).
For more information or to get involved in the Estimands in Oncology SWG, please contact Co-chair Evgeny Degtyarev and Co-chair Kaspar Rufibach.
Our charter can be found here.