Funding Program Committee

Biopharmaceutical Sections Funding Committee

The ASA Biopharmaceutical Section is fortunate to have funds to support Biopharmaceutical Statistics initiatives. Initiatives of great interest to our section are those that support and champion Diversity in our profession and for Biostatistics Education. We have our Biopharmaceutical Section Scholarship Award that supports the education of deserving applicants. We also have provided financial support for conferences hosted by other organizations that serve our membership. For an application for financial support from the Biopharmaceutical Section for an initiative or conference, please contact our Treasurer Financial support will be provided based on a positive vote from our Executive Committee after initial endorsement by our Funding Committee. A requisite for funding is a follow-up summary of the initiative’s progress or a conference report. Funding will not be provided without careful vetting; if requestors are not known by our committees, we will require references.