International Conferernce on Health Policy Statistics

International Conferernce on Health Policy Statistics



     The 10th International Conference on Health Policy Statistics will be held on October 9–11, 2013, in Chicago, Illinois, at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel, and is jointly sponsored by the American Statistical Association and its Health Policy Statistics Section. To submit abstracts and for information about the conference please visit the conference website. Note that abstract submission will remain open until April 11.

     ICHPS focuses on the interplay between health services research and statistical methodology. Its specific aim is to create an educational and research forum for statisticians, econometricians, psychometricians, and other experts in research methodology to exchange and build upon ideas, discuss research needs, and develop solutions to methodological challenges.

     Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions and please forward this email to anyone else you think might be interested. Below we have included some highlights from the conference program.

Highlights of the Confirmed Program

Keynote Speakers (Thursday October 10, 2013)

Sharon-Lise Normand, PhD Professor of Health Care Policy (Biostatistics), Harvard School of Public Health

Seth Eisen, MD Special Operations Officer, Department of Veterans Affairs

Plenary Speaker (Friday October 11, 2013)

Robert D. Gibbons, PhD Professor of Biostatistics, Departments of Health Studies and Medicine, University of Chicago

Wednesday October 9 - 10 State-of-the-Art Workshops in Health Policy Research Methods and Opening Night Poster Session and Mixer

Thursday October 10 - Full Day of Keynote, Contributed and Invited Sessions

Friday October 11 - Plenary, HPSS Awards, Contributed & Invited Sessions

Donald Hedeker & Andrew Zhou, Co-Chairs 10th International Conference on Health Policy Statistics to be held October 9-11, 2013 at The Palmer House Hilton Hotel in Chicago, IL USA