
Dec 15, 2016

Luncheon - Karl Broman, Professor, Biostatistics & Medical Informatics, UW-Madison

Interactive Graphics for Genetic Data


 Nov 17, 2015

Luncheon - Veena Mendiratta
Technical Lead, Network reliability and Analytics; Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent

Exploring Anomalous Behavior in Wireless Networks with Self-Organizing Maps


October 20, 2015

Statistician of the Year Dinner - Xiao Li Meng, Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University
Whipple V. N. Jones Professor of Statistics

 Statistical Paradises and Paradoxes in Big Data


Sept 15, 2015  

Luncheon -Dabao Zhang,
Purdue Univeristy, Associate Professor

A New Method to Construct Large Gene Regulatory Networks Using Genetical Genomics Data

January 19, 2016    

Luncheon -Roopa Choodamani
VP of Strategic Analytics

Data and Creativity

February 16, 2016

Luncheon - Troy Hernandez PhD in statistics and machine learning from the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)

Statisticians come in from the cold | BigQuery, Redshift, Cheap Memory, and Shiny | All your data science are belong to us

 March 15, 2016

CCASA Student Showcase - Provides the opportunity for up to 4 selected student groups to showcase their work at the CCASA Luncheon. Additionally, selected participants will receive a $100 honorarium per group.

Team 1:
James Foster
Susan Parker
Yuanyuan Zha

Chicago Housing Demand: Housing Market Forecasting Using Home Showings

Team 2:
Grace Shrader
Jonathan Berthet
Katherine Tong

Predicting Patient Costs

Team 3:
Qianshun Cheng
Tian Tian

Optimal Subsampling under Logistic Regression Model

 April 1, 2016

Conference - Reproducibility in Research

  1. Keith Baggerly: The Importance of Reproducible Research: Lessons from Train Wrecks
  2. Victoria Stodden: A CyberInfrastructure Wish List for Statistical and Data Driven Discovery
  3. Karl Broman: Steps Toward Reproducible Research
  4. Yihui Xie: Authoring Books with R Markdown
  5. Carlos Scheidegger: Collaborative Data Analysis on the Web with RCloud
  6. James Taylor: Accessible, transparent, and reproducible research with Galaxy

 April 19, 2016

Luncheon - Dean Malgram, Datascope

Modeling a (data science) Business 

 May 6, 2016

Workshop - Vladimir Cherkassky, PhD University of Minnesota

Predictive Learning and Support Vector Machines


 May 17, 2016

Luncheon - Linda Burtch and Katie Ferguson, Burtch Works

Revenge of the Quants: Analytics will Rule the World
Burtch Works on the Future of the Analytics Market

 June 16, 2016

Statistical Advocate of the Year Dinner - Davina Durgana, American University

Human Trafficking Index