Chicago Chapter, American
Statistical Association
(As amended April 2014)
Article 1. Name
name of this organization shall be the Chicago Chapter of the American
Statistical Association.
Article 2. Objectives
The objectives of the Chicago Chapter of
the American Statistical Association shall be to foster interest in the
improvement of statistical methods and in their useful applications, to promote
unity and effectiveness of effort among all concerned with statistical
problems, and to increase the contribution of statistics to human welfare. To
this end, the Chapter proposes to conduct meetings; to produce publications; to
make available information concerning statistical science; to cooperate with
other organizations in the advancement of statistics; to stimulate research and
promote high professional standards; and, in general, to make statistics of
service to other sciences and to practical affairs.
Article 3. Membership
The membership of the Chapter shall consist
of persons who have paid the Chapter such dues as may be required and (a) who
are members of the American Statistical Association or (b) who are otherwise
interested in the objectives of the Chapter.
Article 4. Affiliation
This Chapter shall maintain itself in good
standing as a local chapter chartered by the American Statistical Association.
A copy of this Chapter’s Constitution, together with all subsequent amendments,
shall be filed with the Secretary of the American Statistical Association.
Article 5. Board of Directors
There shall be a Board of Directors of this Chapter, which shall consist of the
President, the President-Elect, the Vice Presidents, the Council of Chapters
Representative, and eight additional Directors of whom seven shall be elected
and the other shall be ex-officio. The ex-officio Director shall be the
immediate Past President or one of the immediate Past Vice Presidents. In
addition, the Vice Chair of the American Statistical Association Council of
Chapters serving the District in which the Chicago Chapter is located if a
member of the Chapter, may serve as an ex-officio Director. Likewise, the
Council of Chapters Representative to the American Statistical Association
Board of Directors from the region containing the Chicago Chapter, if a member
of the Chapter, may serve as an ex-officio Director. The ex-officio members of
the Board shall enjoy the same status as the other members of the Board.
Meetings. The Board of Directors shall meet at least once a year. Meetings
shall be held at the call of the President or on written petition signed by
three members of the Board.
Powers and Duties.
The Board of Directors shall have power to administer the affairs of the
Chapter in accord with policies adopted by itself or by the members of the
Chapter; to recommend to the Chapter policies and action which will promote the
welfare of the profession; to elect Honorary Members of the Chapter; to fix
time and place of meetings of the Chapter; to administer the budget; and to
discharge such other responsibilities as may be required for the successful
operation of the Chapter. They shall also have the power to change the By-laws
by a three-quarter vote of full membership of the Board of Directors.
Article 6. Officers
The officers of the Chapter shall be a President, a President-Elect, and one or
more Vice Presidents, but not to exceed eight, as provided by the By-Laws of
the Chapter, the Council of Chapters Representative, and members of the Board
of Directors. All officers must be full members of the American Statistical
Association and members of the Chapter.
Terms of Office.
The President, President-Elect, and Vice Presidents shall serve for one year or
until a successor is chosen. The Council of Chapters Representative shall serve
for three years, beginning January 1, 1993, and continuing every three years
Election and Installation.
Each year election and installation of officers of the Chapter shall proceed as
follows: not later than March 15, a Nominating Committee, appointed by the
President, shall nominate one eligible person for each office, the term for
which expires in that year; such nominations shall be announced at the April
general meeting of the Chapter; not later than April 30, any group of fifteen
or more members of the Chapter may nominate other persons for any or all
offices by presenting to the Vice President, Secretary a petition to that
effect. An election of officers shall be held under whichever of the following
conditions is applicable: If there be only one nominee for each office, the
nominees shall be considered elected and the President, President-Elect, and
Vice Presidents shall take office as of August first of that year. The Council
of Chapters Representative, if the term of office is expiring, shall take
office on January first of the following year. If there be more than one
nominee for any office, or if there be only one nominee for each office and the
President, with the consent of the Board, deems it desirable, the election
shall proceed as follows: not later than May 15, the Vice President, Secretary
shall contact each Chapter member, providing one ballot for the election of
officers from among the persons nominated and such other eligible persons as
the members may enter on the ballots by writing in names. These ballots must be
returned to the Vice President, Secretary by May 31. By June 15, the Officers
of the Chapter shall count the ballots received, determine the election, and
effect the installation of the President, President-Elect, and Vice Presidents
as of August 1. The Council of Chapters Representative, if the term of office
is expiring, shall take office on January first of the following year.
The Board of Directors shall fill any vacancy which may occur, between elections,
in any office.
Unless otherwise stated in the Constitution and By-Laws of this Chapter, or
otherwise determined by the Board of Directors or the Chapter membership, the
duties of the officers shall be as set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order, the
most recent edition.
Article 7. Meetings
There shall be one or more general meetings
of the Chapter each year, held at such time and place as the President, with
the aid of other officers, may direct. There shall be as many other meetings,
of members generally or of special groups of members, as the activities of the
Chapter may require.
Article 8. Committees
The Committees of the Chapter and Chapter
representatives other than the Council of Chapters Representative shall be
appointed by the President with the counsel of the other Officers, the
Directors, and such other Chapter members as the President may choose. Also,
any 15 members of the Chapter may petition the President to appoint such
committee or committees as they believe desirable. All Chapter members are
eligible for appointment to committees.
Article 9. Resolutions
Resolutions shall be voted (a) by the Board
of Directors or (b) by the members of any general meeting at which thirty
percent of the Chapter membership is present. Resolutions shall require a
two-thirds majority vote of the entire Board or of the membership present at a
general meeting which is attended by at least thirty percent of the Chapter
membership. Resolutions of the Chapter shall be so phrased as not to imply that
they are policy of the American Statistical Association.
Article 10. Amendments
Amendments to this Constitution may be
proposed by the Board of Directors or by a petition signed by 10 members. An
amendment originating by petition shall be referred to the Board of Directors
for its recommendation as to method of ratification. Following action by the
Board of Directors, the Secretary shall publish a copy of the proposed
amendment and the Board’s recommendation and shall send it to all Chapter
members. Unless the Board decides that the proposed amendment is of such
urgency as to require a special ballot, the amendment shall be submitted to the
members for vote at the time of the annual election of officers. Ratification
shall require an affirmative vote of the two-thirds of the ballots returned,
provided that ballots have been returned by not less than thirty percent of the
membership within one month from the date of its mailing.
Article 11. Ratification
When two-thirds of the members of the Board
of Directors of the Chapter have approved this Constitution, the Secretary
shall send copies of it, along with a ballot, to all members of the Chapter.
Ratification shall require an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the ballots
returned, provided that ballots have been received from not less than thirty
percent of the members within one month from the date of mailing. When
ratified, this Constitution shall supersede any previous Constitution of the
Chapter, as of the August 1 following.
Article 12. Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of the Chapter, assets
shall be distributed to the American Statistical Association, 1429 Duke Street,
Alexandria, Virginia 22314, for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning
of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or corresponding
Section of any future Federal tax code.
Chicago Chapter, American Statistical
(As amended April 2014)
Article 1. Membership
Membership year.
The membership year shall begin upon payment of dues, and shall continue for a
period of one year. Termination of membership. A member may resign from the
Chapter by notifying the Vice President for Membership. There shall be no
reimbursement of dues under these circumstances. The privileges of membership
in the Chapter shall terminate if by 60 days past expiration, payment of dues
for the ensuing year has not been received.
Membership dues exemption.
The Board of Directors may, at its discretion, adjust the annual dues of a
member of the Chapter or a class of members for such period as it designates.
Honorary members, elected by the Board of Directors, shall not be required to
pay dues, but may vote as regular members.
Article 2. Finance
The Board shall determine the amount of dues.
Fiscal year.
The fiscal year shall be August first to July thirty-first.
Financial authority.
All funds of the Chapter shall be deposited with the Treasurer who shall make
disbursements therefrom under supervision and regulation of the Board.
Financial relationship with the American
Statistical Association.
The American Statistical Association shall not be responsible for the debts of
this Chapter nor shall this Chapter hold itself liable for the obligations of
the American Statistical Association. The Treasurer of the Chapter shall submit
an annual report to the American Statistical Association and collect such
credits as are due the Chapter pursuant to Article II of the Bylaws of the
American Statistical Association.
Article 3. Vice Presidents
There shall be eight Vice Presidents of the
Chapter. They shall be denominated as follows according to their principal
responsibility: a Vice President for Publicity and Chapter Marketing, a Vice
President for Conferences, a Vice President for Luncheon Programs, a Vice
President for Membership, a Vice President for Communications, and a Vice
President for Workshops; in addition the Secretary and Treasurer shall be Vice
Presidents. In the absence of the President, the President-Elect shall assume
the duties of the President.
Article 4. Ratification and Amendment
The process for ratification of these
Bylaws shall be the same as for ratification of the Constitution of the
Chapter. These Bylaws may be amended by the Board of Directors as prescribed by
Article 5 of the Constitution.