April 12, 2018
East Bank Club
500 N Kingsbury Chicago
Replication - What Every Researcher and Data Scientist Needs to Know
Prof Larry Hedges,
Chairman, Statistics Dept, Northwestern University
Replication is a fundamental aspect of the scientific method and is central to the rhetoric of science. Yet recent empirical research has called into question the replicability of experimental research in fields as diverse as economics, medicine, and psychology. This work undermines the credibility of science and the evidence science provides. Surprisingly, there has been little research on the methodology of replication itself, including the design of replication studies and appropriate statistical analyses to determine whether a set of studies replicate one another. Perhaps as a result, some recent programs of research on replication have used multiple, and sometimes mutually contradictory, methods to study replication. This talk will draw on a meta-analytic perspective to formalize ideas about the definition of replication and the analysis of replication studies. I will focus on three problems that seem straightforward, but will argue that each of them is more complex than it first appears. One is the precise definition of replication: What exactly does it mean to say that the results of a set of studies replicate one another? The second is the statistical analysis of replications: Given a definition of replication, what statistical analysis is appropriate? The third is the design of replication studies: What kind of ensemble of two or more studies should we assemble to evaluate whether results replicate?
I would like to thank all the speakers of the March conference - Chris Wikle, Won Chang, Sooin Yun, Will Kleiber, and Chen Chen--and to the members of the Chicago ASA community who attended the conference and asked many intellectually stimulating questions. Flight cancellation is an inescapable risk with Chicago's unpredictable weather in March, but weather was not an issue this year--mother nature perhaps cooperating with the topic of weather and prediction--allowing all of our speakers to fly into Chicago safely. If you were not able to attend the conference but would like to learn about the topics that were discussed, please check out the slides that were presented on the front page of Chicago ASA's website.
The Chicago ASA is also thankful for the opportunity to sponsor Datafest at Loyola University, a data hackathon for students. College students from Chicago, Michigan, and Wisconsin brought positive energy and creative ideas to solve complex datasets. We thank our Board member Veena Mendiratta for her role as one of the judges.
On Friday, April 27th, we have a full-day workshop on the Art and Practice of Regression Trees. Dr. Wei-Yin Loh of the Department of Statistics at the University of Wisconsin in Madison will teach how to use the regression tree tools effectively and efficiently based on an example-focused style. Each example is chosen to illustrate particular weaknesses of traditional solutions and show how tree methods overcome them. The presentation is interwoven with live demos of GUIDE, a piece of free software written and maintained by the presenter. Seats are limited so please sign up early. I hope to see many of you at the workshop. See below for registration details.
Kwang-Youn Kim, PhD
CCASA Spring Workshop: Friday April 27, 2018
Title: Art and Practice of Regression Trees
Presented by: Prof Wei-Yin Loh, Department of Statistics
University of Wisconsin, Madison
9:00am - 5:00pm
Chicago, DePaul Loop campus
1 E Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL 60604
Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided!
Regression tree and forest methods have greatly improved in the last decade. Their ease of use, prediction accuracy, execution speed, and interpretability make them essential tools for machine learning and data analysis. This workshop teaches how to use the tools effectively and efficiently. It uses an example-focused style, with each example chosen to illustrate particular weaknesses of traditional solutions and to show how tree methods overcome them and yield new insights.
News from the CCASA Board
See here for the latest on
News from the World of Statistics.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us! Also, if you have news or events that you would like to share or are interested in speaking at a luncheon, please contact us at chicagochapterasa@gmail.com.