

Two awards are conferred at the biennial Nonclinical Biostatistics Conference. These awards recognize the contributions of both students and industry practitioners to the field of nonclinical biostatistics. 

The Stan Altan
Nonclinical Biostatistics Paper Award
  The Best Student Presentation Award
The Stan Altan Nonclinical Biostatistics Paper Award recognizes recent publications which contribute significantly to the field of nonclinical biostatistics. The award-winning author(s) are presented with a commemorative plaque. The Best Student Presentation Award recognizes the best student presenter at the Nonclinical Biostatistics Conference. Both oral presentations and posters are eligible for the award which is decided by a panel of industry judges. The award-winning student is presented with a certificate and a cash prize. 
Scope: All eligible papers must have been published in English in refereed journals and address a relevant topic in nonclinical biostatistics. For some examples of relevant topics, please refer to the recent book by Zhang (2016), Nonclinical Biostatistics for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries.  Only papers that have been published (or finally accepted by the journal editor for publication) between January 1, 2018, and March 1, 2025, are admissible for submission.  History: In early 2018, the ASA-BIOP Nonclinical Biostatistics Working Group endorsed the creation of a new workstream focused on promoting nonclinical biostatistics to graduate students and young professionals interested in the field. To encourage student participation, a presentation award was created. Judges consider content, presentation, and contribution to the field. 
Eligibility and Submission: Please send a .pdf copy of the paper to Tony Pourmohamad (Genentech). Include contact information for all of the co-authors (e.g. e-mail addresses).   Paper nominators can be one of the paper’s authors or someone else. Submission Deadline: March 15, 2025
Eligibility and Submission: Both oral presentations and posters are eligible for the award. Presenters must attend the conference and present in-person. 

The Stan Altan Nonclinical Biostatistics Paper Award

About Stan Altan - 

Throughout his career, Stan Altan has been a champion of every aspect of the broad range of statistical methods used in nonclinical research.  His vision of unifying the practitioners of nonclinical statistics and emphasizing the critical impact of statistics in every key process in drug development outside the clinical arena has left its mark on our industry. To acknowledge his lifelong commitment and substantial impact on the discipline of nonclinical statistics, we recognize the best publication in nonclinical biostatistics with the Stan Altan Nonclinical Biostatistics Paper Award.

  • The conference was Stan’s brainchild to discuss all the exciting new methods emerging in our field.
  • Stan was a founding member of the Nonclinical Biostatistics Leaders' Forum (NCBLF), a critical forum for sharing best practices amongst the leaders in our field.
  • Stan pointed out the NCBLF served a separate purpose from promoting new methodology, which needed to include all practicing nonclinical statisticians and should be separated from the NCB conference.
  • Stan has been a driving force at every NCB conference as well as across our industry
  • Stan served as editor of the Biopharmaceutical Report as well as editor to special editions for the NCB conference

Award History -


  • 1st Place: Paul Faya, Steven Novick, John W. Seaman Jr., John J. Peterson, Tony Pourmohamad, Dwaine Banton & Yanbing Zheng (2023) Continuous Method Validation: Beyond One-Time Studies to Characterize Analytical Methods, Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 15:1, 225-233
  • 2nd Place: Qiao Z, Barnes E, Tringe S, Schachtman DP, Liu P. Poisson hurdle model-based method for clustering microbiome features. Bioinformatics. 2023 Jan 1;39(1):btac782. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btac782. PMID: 36469352; PMCID: PMC9825753.
  • 3rd Place: Mallick H, Rahnavard A, McIver LJ, Ma S, Zhang Y, Nguyen LH, Tickle TL, Weingart G, Ren B, Schwager EH, Chatterjee S, Thompson KN, Wilkinson JE, Subramanian A, Lu Y, Waldron L, Paulson JN, Franzosa EA, Bravo HC, Huttenhower C. Multivariable association discovery in population-scale meta-omics studies. PLoS Comput Biol. 2021 Nov 16;17(11):e1009442. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009442. PMID: 34784344; PMCID: PMC8714082.


  • 1st Place: Burdick, R. K., Thomas, N., & Cheng, A. (2017). Statistical considerations in demonstrating CMC analytical similarity for a biosimilar product. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research9(3), 249-257.
  • 2nd Place: Novick, S. J., Christian, E., Farmer, E., & Tejada, M. (2021). A Bayesian statistical approach to continuous qualification of a bioassay. PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology75(1), 8-23.
  • 3rd Place: Sondag, P., & Lebrun, P. (2020). Risk-based similarity testing for potency assays using MCMC simulations. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 1-10.


  • 1st Place: Zeng, L., Novick, S., Yu, B., and Yang, H. (2019). “General Framework for Equivalence Testing over a Range of Linear Outcomes with CMC Applications”, Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 11(2), 182-190.


  • 1st Place: Zhang, J., Li, W., Roskos, L, and Yang H. (2017). “Immunogenicity assay cut point determination using nonparameteric tolerance limit”, Journal of Immunological Methods, 442, 29-34.


  • 1st Place: Novick, S., Shen, Y., Yang, H., Peterson, J., LeBlond, D., and Altan, S. (2015). “Dissolution Curve Comparisons through the F2 Parameter, a Bayesian Extension of the f2 Statistic”, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 25(2), 351-371.Bottom of Form
  • 2nd Place: Chen, G., Zhong, H., Belousov, A., and Devanarayan, V. (2015). “A PRIM Approach to Predictive-signature Development for Patient Stratification”, Statistics in Medicine, 34, 317–342.

The ASA-BIOP NCB Best Student Presentation Award

The NCB Organizing Committee welcomes students who are interested to attend and present at the conference. For some oral presentation tips, click here.

In addition, take a look at recent nonclinical statistics job descriptions here, and visit AmStat Job Web to see current job postings.

Award History - 


  • 1st Place: Yajie Duan (Rutgers University), “A Novel Two-stage Deming Regression Model with applications to Multiple Risks Assessment
  • 2nd Place: Sofia Prieto Leon (Hasselt University), “Covariate-driven dimensionality reduction methods for sc-RNA seq studies”


  • 1st Place: Louise Leonard, “Tackling Missing Values in Mass Spectrometry-based Data
  • 2nd Place: Jinghang Lin, “Expectile Neural Networks for Genetic Data Analysis of Complex Diseases”


  • Winner: Perceval Sondag, "Risk-based Parallelism Test for Parallel Curve Assays"


  • Yalin Zhu (NJIT),  FWER controlling multiple testing procedures for discrete data in clinical safety analysis
  • Han Ding Xie (Rutgers), Time Courses and Predictors of Readmissions or Death Among Patients Who Were Discharged Alive with a First Diagnosis of Heart Failure in a New Jersey Statewide Database


  • Winner: Andrew Gehman (Temple U.), Approaches and Challenges in Estimating Multivariate Random Components from a Fractional Factorial Experiment"


  • Discovery: Gavin Lynch (NJIT), On Procedures Controlling the False Discovery Rate for Testing Hierarchically Ordered Hypotheses
  • Discovery: Jacqueline Hughes-Oliver (George Mason University & NC State), Mining in the Presence of Class Imbalance: Precision-Recall Curves and the F-Measure
  • Pre-clinical: Ada Youk (University of Pittsburgh), Time-dependent measures in a benefit-risk assessment of drug exposure using pharmacy claims