
Welcome to the Section on Statistics and Data Science Education!

The Section on Statistics and Data Science Education promotes the teaching and learning of statistics by offering opportunities for all teachers. Teachers include academics, K-12 teachers, as well as informal or formal education in a professional context like business, journalism, medical research, consulting, and policy making.

The section’s active involvement include:

• Offering opportunities for all statistical educators to share and discuss ideas through professional meetings, online discussion groups, and personal connections made through the section.

• Providing educational resources for the extended statistical community, including research findings, professional development, and funding opportunities.

• Creating and shaping policies of the ASA and professional communities regarding educational innovations.

If you are not yet a member but you are interested in discussing pedagogy, sharing resources, or shaping policies, join the Section on Statistics and Data Science Education.

Stat + Data Sci Ed Section News Highlights

Our section's regularly updated BLOG

New in 2025: A letter from Section chair Lisa Kay

A letter from Section chair Kelly McConville (2024)

New ASA Community: Online Teaching Resources & Discussion
Discussion forums, shared lesson plans, course content and other teaching resources for remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. (ASA login required)

Fellowship Program for High School and Two-year College Teachers:This two-year fellowship program is designed for individuals who want to make an impact beyond their classroom setting and to increase their network among statistics and data science educators. During their two-year term, the fellows participate in the section's executive committee meetings, receive career mentorship from a section member, and lead a discussion about their teaching experiences at a statistics conference.  New high school teacher fellows are selected in the even years and new college teacher fellows in the odd years.  The fellowship runs on the academic calendar and so starts in August. This spring we will be advertising for the high school fellowship. 

Our section's Mentoring Program: Mentoring Program Website (updated regularly)
The Mentoring Program is currently in its 2023-2024 academic year. New applications (for the upcoming academic year) open in the spring and are due by July 15. Membership in the ASA Section on Statistics and Data Science Education is required.

ASA 2023 election results for our section (term starts January 2024)

    JSM 2020 business meeting: Minutes

    See our past newsletters here.

    2019: We are now the Section on Statistics and Data Science Education (SSDSE)
    The Section on Statistical Education voted on updates to the section charter and name. The proposed changes have been approved, as of 2019! Our section is now named "Section on Statistics and Data Science Education." See our updated charter.
    Members of the Charter Committee, Erin Blankenship, Bill Notz, and Cassandra Pattanayak, developed a proposed revision to the Section charter (earlier, October draft) that was worked on by all section members in the spring and reviewed in the fall. They also ran a webinar before the vote to discuss the proposed changes, answer any questions, and provide a forum for discussion. Watch the recorded webinar from March 5, 2019: Discussion on Potential Updates to Section Charter and Name. You may also find this preliminary working definition of Data Science document useful. 

    1948-2018: 70 years of our section history - presentation

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    Code of Conduct

    Other Stat + Data Sci Ed News

    Computing in the Statistics and Data Science Curriculum
    Special issue, JSDSE (vol. 29 sup1, 2021)

    Statistical Inference in the 21st Century: A World Beyond p < 0.05
    Special issue, The American Statistician (vol. 73, 2019)

    Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education
    2020 GAISE II Pre-K-12: Framework for Statistics and Data Science Education
    2016 GAISE update: Revised college report