
Charter last revised 2019 (download PDF version)
Section chartered in 1948



The name of this organization is the Section on Statistics and Data Science Education (hereafter called the “Section”) of the American Statistical Association (hereafter called the “Association”).



A. Mission Statement:

Statistics is the science of learning from data, and we consider data science a partner of statistics. Our mission is to promote the teaching and learning of data-driven inquiry at any level for any audience.  Specifically, we will:

  1. Advise the Association on the educational elements of the Association strategic plan, including the need for education on the role and value of statisticians and data scientists to the following audiences:
    1. Management in business, technology, and government
    2. Professionals such as journalists, lawyers, computer scientists, and medical personnel
    3. Public policy makers at state, national, and international levels
    4. K-12 policy makers, administrators, and teachers
    5. Academics in allied disciplines
  2. Promote research and practice to improve education in statistics and data science, encompassing thinking, reasoning, and literacy.
  3. Support the development of statistics and data science pedagogy, programs, and courses.
  4. Support the dissemination of professional development and funding opportunities, teaching resources and research findings in statistics and data science education.
  5. Improve the pipeline from K-12 through two-year colleges, four-year colleges, and universities to statistics and data science professionals.


  • Implementation of Association strategic goals, in collaboration with external entities,
  • Expanded professional development opportunities,
  • Improved teaching,
  • Improved cooperation between statistics and data science education researchers and practitioners in their role as statistics and data science educators, and
  • Improved pipeline

B. The Objectives of the Section include:

The Section on Statistics and Data Science Education is broadly interested in the effective use of education as a means (1) of improving the quality of existing applications of statistics and data science, along with quantitative understanding of and (2) of increasing the practice of learning from data in those areas of study where it offers the most efficient procedure for attacking unsolved problems.

In considering these objectives, the Section recognizes that education in statistics and data science can be obtained either "on the job," online, or in educational institutions. Furthermore, the Section distinguishes four levels of statistics and data science education:

  1. Education of individuals who will not necessarily use statistical and data science methods professionally but who should at least appreciate the nature of good evidence-based inquiries, practice, and results.
  2. Education of individuals working in allied disciplines to the point where they can evaluate the application of recognized statistical and data science methods reported in their professional literature and can make use of such techniques in their own work.
  3. Education of individuals working in allied disciplines to the point where they can creatively apply statistical and data science techniques to work in the field.
  4. Education of individuals who wish to pursue careers as statisticians and data scientists in industry, academia, and government.

In pursuing these objectives, the Section will work closely and coordinate with other sections of the Association as well as other societies and associations whenever appropriate. 



In support of the Section’s Mission Statement and Objectives, the Section will engage in activities appropriate to the pursuit of the mission statement and objectives set forth above including, but not limited to:

  1. Dissemination of information on
    1. bibliographies (textbooks, monographs, etc.)
    2. short courses
    3. standard training programs
    4. teaching aids
    5. careers in statistics
    6. funding opportunities
    7. new developments in statistical education
  2. Organization of programs at
    1. meetings of national and international societies and associations
    2. seminars or workshops for teachers
  3. Communication with other Association sections, societies, and related associations
    1. To provide advice to committees of other Association sections, societies, and related associations
    2. To enable cooperation with other Association committees, societies, and related associations on problems in statistics and data science education



Members of the Association may join the Section by paying Section dues or becoming a Life Member.

Section dues are set by the officers of the Section and may be altered annually in consultation with the Treasurer of the Association.

The membership year for each member of the Section shall coincide with that member’s membership year within the Association.



Section officers must be members of the Section.

The Officers of the Section include the Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, and Representative(s) to the Council of Sections. The Council of Sections determines the number of Representative(s) to the Association’s Council of Sections Governing Board. The Officers of the Section shall also include the Past Chair, Program Chair, Program Chair-Elect, Communications Officer, the six elected at-large members of the Executive Committee of the Section, and Web Editor. All of the aforementioned officers are voting members of the Section’s Executive Committee; these individuals may vote on financial matters and official business of the Section.

The Chair-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, the Representative(s) to the Council of Sections, and the Communications Officer must be elected.  Other Section Officers to be elected are the six (6) at-large members of the Executive Committee.  All other Section Officers are to be appointed by the Chair.

The following Officers continue in the given role after being elected or appointed to another role: Chair, immediate Past-Chair, and Program Chair.

The term of the Chair-Elect shall be one year and the Chair-Elect shall automatically succeed the Chair on January 1 of each year. The term of the Program Chair-Elect shall be one year and the Program Chair-Elect shall automatically succeed the Program Chair on January 1 of each year.

The terms of Representative(s) to the Council of Sections are prescribed in the Charter of the Council of Sections.

The Secretary/Treasurer, at-large members of the Executive Committee, and the Communications Officer shall each serve a three-year term.

The Web Editor shall serve for a one-year term.

No officer shall be eligible for immediate re-election or re-appointment to the same office except the Web Editor. 

An individual may hold no more than one office within the Section at a given time.

If the office of Chair becomes vacant, the Past Chair shall become the Chair, with the term extending through that year. Vacancies in other offices shall be filled by appointment by the Chair.



1. Types of Committees

The Committees of the Section shall consist of Standing Committees as provided by this Charter, and Current Committees as established by the officers of the Section. Current Committees may be established in order to satisfy a particular need or interest of the Section. 

A quorum of 50% of voting members must be present at official meetings for all committees, and an opportunity for discussion of matters requiring vote must be allowed.  Formal motions and financial disbursements must occur during official meetings of committees.

Unless otherwise specified in this Charter each committee shall be governed by a Chair appointed by the Chair of the Section.  All members of Standing Committees, as well as the chairs of Current Committees, shall be members of the Association. 

2. Membership

The term of membership on Standing and Current Committees, if not otherwise specified in this Charter, shall be three years.  Initial terms for new committees shall be set by the Chair of the Section for one, two, or three years so that, as nearly as possible, one-third of the members shall be appointed each year.  Unless otherwise specified in this Charter, each committee shall be governed by a chair appointed by the Chair of the Section.  All members of Standing Committees and the chairs of Current Committees shall be members of the Section.

No member may serve on a committee for more than six consecutive years without specific approval by the Executive Committee, except for ex officio members.  Members of committees shall serve until their successors are appointed or elected. 


3. Standing Committees

Each Standing Committee must submit an annual report to the Chair of the Section.


  1. The Executive Committee

    The Executive Committee shall consist of all of the Officers of the Section.

  2.  Nominations Committee

    The Section's Chair-Elect shall serve as Chair of the Nominations Committee. The current Chair and the Past Chair shall also serve on this committee. Each year the Nominations Committee shall submit to the Secretary of the Association and the Section Chair at least two nominations for each position to be filled. Members of the Committee are not eligible for nomination by the Committee. The Association's general deadline for submission of nominations shall apply.  In addition, any Section member nominated by petition of at least 5% of the membership of the Section shall also appear on the annual ballot, provided that the petition is presented to the Section Chair and to the Secretary of the Association within the Association’s balloting timelines. Balloting shall be carried out as part of the Association's annual election for Association and Section officers.

  3. Committee to Nominate Fellows.

    The Committee to Nominate Fellows shall consist of three members.  Each year the Committee shall identify members of the Section who would be suitable nominees for the honor of Fellow of the American Statistical Association (as described in the By-Laws of the Association) and shall encourage preparation and submission of the nominations for Fellow and similar awards.

  4. Charter Committee.

    Not more than three years after adoption of this Charter, the Chair shall appoint a Charter Committee for the purpose of reviewing the Charter of the Section. If necessary, the Charter Committee shall prepare a revision to be submitted to the Section not more than five years after the adoption of this Charter, in accordance with Article VIII of this Charter. In the event that the Committee undertakes a major revision of the Charter, the Executive Committee may extend the life of the current Charter one year at a time.

  5. Current Committees.

    Each Current Committee must submit an annual report to the Executive Committee.

    Current Committees may be established to serve a particular need or interest of the Section.

    The life of a Current Committee may not exceed five years without a review of its need by the Executive Committee. Any committee that is to continue for more than one year must have a charge approved by the Executive Committee.

    Current Committees established in accordance with this article may be dissolved at any time by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.


The annual business meeting of the Section shall be held in connection with the annual meeting of the Association. A year-end review of activities, plans for future activities, and reports from the Secretary/Treasurer, Communications Officer, Program Chair, and Web Editor will be presented at this meeting. A quorum of 50% of voting Section officers must be present at the official annual business meeting.

Section business may also be conducted with the Section membership by mail or electronic communication.

The Executive Committee shall meet at the annual meeting of the Association. It may also hold additional meetings at times and places designated by the Chair with the consent of the Executive Committee.  Meetings shall be held at the call of the Chair or by vote of two-thirds of the Executive Committee.  Between meetings the Executive Committee may conduct business by mail, telephone, or other electronic means.


Amendments to this charter may be proposed by the officers of the Section or via a petition signed by at least 5% of the membership of the Section and submitted to the Section Chair. The proposed amendment shall be submitted to the members of the Section for a vote at the time of the Association’s annual election.

If approved by a majority of members voting, the amendment shall take effect immediately or at such other time as specified in the amendment. Copies of approved amendments shall be filed with the Secretary of the Council of Sections and with the Secretary of the Association.


(For records, charter revision of 2015)