Other Awards

Other Awards for Outstanding Statistics Educators

"Marie Davidian"
"Dr. Marie Davidian of the North Carolina State University Department of Statistics has been named Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor for 2003-2005. The award (which includes a cash stipend) was presented by the NCSU Alumni Association in recognition of Davidian's longtime distinguished service in graduate teaching and mentoring. Her contributions include an outstanding teaching career, innovation in the development of courses and curricula, mentorship of graduate students and junior faculty, and significant enhancements to the quality of the department's graduate program. Davidian is an ASA Fellow."
From the AMSTAT News, July 2003

"Joe Ward, Statistician and Hero for Education Has New School Named In His Honor"
"Recently, the Trustees of the Northside Independent School District (NISD), located in San Antonio, TX, voted to name one of its new elementary schools after a local statistician, Dr. Joe H. Ward. Dr. Ward, ASA member since 1951, was really overwhelmed when he received the exciting news. 'This recognition is the highest I could have received since my heart, mind and body have always been devoted to education,' states Ward.

Dr. Joe Ward has been a volunteer for many years working with students at Health Careers High School in San Antonio, TX, where he also teaches an independent studies statistics course for credit. In 1997, Dr. Ward was named Northside's Outstanding Intergenerational Volunteer. Ward has also been recognized by the State Board of Education as a 'Hero for Children.' Dr. Ward has provided valuable assistance to students and teachers in their efforts to use statistics and computers in research. He has encouraged and assisted teachers in introducing Advanced Placement Statistics into the curriculum. Joe Ward takes pride in volunteering and encourages educators to 'Catch the Children Being Good.' Ward Elementary School will be located outside of 1604 on Shaenfield Road, and should relieve Burke, Galm, Knowlton and Nichols elementary schools."

From the AMSTAT News, April 2002

"Martinsek Receives Teaching Award"
"Adam T. Martinsek has received two teaching awards at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the 2000-2001 LAS Dean's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and the 2001 Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. Combined, the awards provide a recurring $6,500 increment to annual salary, $5,000 in cash, and $1,000 in discretionary funds to support the teaching and research of the recipient."

From the AMSTAT News, June 2001

"Spurrier Receives Outstanding Teaching Award"
"John D. Spurrier of the Department of Statistics was the recipient of the 2000 AMOCO Foundation Outstanding Teaching Award at the University of South Carolina."

From the AMSTAT News, November 2000

"Moore Named Honorary IASE Member"
"David S. Moore, professor of statistics at Purdue University, has been named the first Honorary Member of the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE). IASE is the education branch of the International Statistical Institute. Professor Moore served as the first president of IASE in 1993."
From the AMSTAT News, October 2000

"Moreno Wins Award for Distinguished Teaching"
"Jerry Moreno of the John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio, was recently honored by the Mathematical Association of America with its distinguished teaching award for 2000.
A Fellow of the American Statistical Association, Moreno was also selected by the ASA in 1999 to receive the prestigious Founder's Award for his exceptional leadership in organizing Quantitative Literacy programs each year since 1989, his outstanding service to statistical education in northern Ohio, and his work with the ASA's national poster and project competitions."
From the AMSTAT News, October 2000

"Thompson Wins College Excellence Award"
"Carla Thompson, Tulsa Community College (TCC) Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Teacher Preparation, recently received the annual TCC Award for Teaching Excellence.
Thompson, who joined TCC in 1980, is project director for the Tomorrow's Teachers and Tomorrow's Technology Project -- a collaboration between TCC, Langston University, Tulsa Chamber of Commerce, six Tulsa-area public and private school districts, and several Tulsa-area businesses."
From the AMSTAT News, October 2000

"Sawilowsky Wins Two Awards"
"Shlomo Sawilowsky, a professor of statistics, psychometry, and research design, was the recipient of the 1998 Wayne State University Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award, and the College of Education's Excellence in Teaching Award. WSU is a Carnegie Research I institution, ranking it in the top 75 of the nation's 3,000 universities and colleges. The first award was presented by University President Irvin D. Reid, who noted 'Professor Sawilowsky's exceptional record as an academician is reflected in the excellence with which he mentors graduate students. As one student wrote, 'In Dr. Sawilowsky we have a relentless champion when it comes to motivating and encouraging us.'' The second award was presented by Dean Paula Wood, who noted, 'His teaching has won him a coterie of fiercely loyal student devotes, and all those who leave his classroom must surely do so knowing they have been taught by one of the best.'"
From the AMSTAT News, October 1998

"Paul Velleman Wins the 1998 Educom Medal"

"Paul F. Velleman was honored at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Dallas as the 1998 Educom Medal Award winner for the American Statistical Association. A silver medal, a bronze desk statue, and a cash award were presented to Velleman on October 15, 1998, at the EDUCOM '98 annual conference in Orlando, Florida. More information about the Educom Medal Awards Program and the 1998 winners can be found at EDUCAUSE. The Educom Medal Awards Program is designed to recognize contributors to innovative uses of technology in education. The ASA was chosen as one of five partner societies that each selected a medal winner for 1998. The Section on Statistical Education led the selection process for the ASA; selection committee members were Carol Blumberg, Jackie Dietz, Tom Moore, Bill Notz, Rosemary Roberts, and Allan Rossman.Velleman is the designer and author of ActivStats, a multimedia learning environment that provides a statistics course and supporting statistical software on a CD-ROM. In addition, Velleman is the designer and original developer of DataDesk, a statistics program for data exploration, graphics, and analysis that is widely used in teaching statistics. He is also the principal investigator and designer of the Data and Story Library (DASL, pronounced "dazzle"), a free on-line archive of over 120 datasets and stories about those data, designed for use in teaching."

From the Newsletter of the Section on Statistical Education of the American Statistical Association, Winter 1999

"Alldredge Receives Hartley Award"
J. Richard Alldredge, Associate Professor of Statistics, Washington State University is the 1997 winner of the H.O. Hartley Award. The award is given annually to a former student of the Department of Statistics at Texas A&M for distinguished service to the discipline of statistics.
Alldredge was responsible for establishing a Masters Degree in Statistics in 1992 while acting as the Director of the Program in Statistics. To date, twenty-one students have successfully completed the program. He is also an outstanding teacher. He received the Junior Faculty Teaching Award in 1993 For teaching statistics courses to non-statistical majors. Rich often employs a non-traditional, hands-on approach to teaching statistics which have been recognized for reaching students who have often spurred mathematical sciences. He has served as President of the Western North American Region (WNAR) of the International Biometric Society, is on the board of the International Biometric Society, and is active in a number of capacities for the ASA and WNAR. Alldredge is an associate editor for the Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. He is the author of over thirty-five refereed journal articles.
Alldredge earned his B.A. in Mathematics from Oakland University in 1969, an M.S. from Colorado State University in 1971, and a Ph.D. from Texas A&M University in 1980. The award was presented at the A&M reception held during the Joint Statistical Meetings in Anaheim.
From the AMSTAT News, October 1997

"Hawkes Chosen as George Prize Recipient"
"James Hawkes of the College of Charleston and Quant Systems, both located in Charleston, South Carolina, has been awarded the C. Oswald George Prize for the best article published in Teaching Statistics. The prize of 100 pounds, is given by the Royal Statistical Society."
From the AMSTAT News, January 1997

"Bilotti-Aliaga Honored"
"Martha Bilotti-Aliaga, Department of Statistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, was one of the five persons awarded for her INPUT (INovative Program Using Technology) in Mathematics Service Courses. The competition, by its own description, 'rewards exemplary instructors and departments that have made the effort to rethink service courses and whose efforts can inspire or serve as a model to those who follow." Aliaga introduced the use of graphing calculators in Statistics 100, a college course with an average of 140 students per section. This competition was sponsored by the Annenberg/CPB Project and NSF."
From the AMSTAT News, December 1996

Christine McLaren selected as 1996 Minnesota College Science Teacher of the Year
"Christine McLaren, Stats Magazine Editor and Professor at Moorhead State University in Minnesota has recently been selected 1996 Minnesota College Science Teacher of the Year. The honor was given by the Minnesota Academy of Science."
From the AMSTAT News, May 1996

"Moore Named Distinguished Professor"
"ASA member David S. Moore has been named the Shanti S. Gupta Distinguished Professor of Statistics at Purdue University. The appointment, ratified during Purdue's Board of Trustees meeting at Indian University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, recognizes Moore's teaching and scholarly efforts. Moore joined the Purdue faculty in 1967 as an assistant professor of statistics. He was promoted to associate professor in 1971 and to professor in 1977. Moore has developed videos for distant learning and put together 'Against All Odds,' a series of 26 half-hour programs for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. His colleagues praise Moore's teaching abilities with such compliments as '...he cares deeply for his subject, and also for his students and audiences' and 'He is one of those rare gifted individuals who has demonstrated that top-notch researchers can be top-notch teachers and can make a difference in improving the education system.' Moore, who grew up in Middletown, New York, received his bachelor's degree in mathematics from Princeton University and a doctorate in mathematics from Cornell University."
From the AMSTAT News, April 1996

"Kupper Receives Distinguished Teaching Award"
Lawrence L. Kupper, Professor and Deputy Chair in the Department of Biostatistics at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, is the recipient of the 1996 University of North Carolina Distinguished Teaching Award for Post-Baccalaureate Instruction. Kupper was cited for his outstanding classroom teaching, for his research mentoring of predoctoral and postdoctoral students in Biostatistics, and for his administrative contributions to graduate education in Biostatistics at the University of North Carolina."

From the AMSTAT News, April 1996

"Singh Receives Great Teacher Award"
"Jagbir Singh, professor of Statistics, received the 1995 Great Teacher Award of Temple University. The Award carries a stipend of $10,000, and a statuette. Each Great Teacher's name is inscribed on the University's Founder's Wall. In 1993, Jagbir Singh received the University's Stauffer Award for outstanding faculty services from the General Alumni Association. Last spring, he was the recipient of the Andrisani-Frank Award for outstanding undergraduate teaching."
From the AMSTAT News, January 1996