Presentation Archive


List of events from the Section on Statistics and Data Science Education.

JSM 2019

List of  section sponsored events
Session Speed Session Awards
  • Winner: Gwendolyn Marie Eadie, University of Washington, "Active-Learning for Bayesian Inference: An Introductory Exercise Using MandM's Candy"
  • Honorable Mention: Ginger Holmes Rowell, Middle Tennessee State University, "Digital Metaphors: a Tool to Provide Insights into Introductory Statistics Students' Motivation and Success"
  • Honorable Mention: Allison Theobold, Montana State University, "Computational Workshops to Facilitate Implementation of Statistics in Scientific Research"

eCOTS 2018 Presentations

All presentations are now available online. The theme this year was “Data Science for All."


Stat Ed JSM 2018 Presentations

See the many presentations from our members here, where you can download them individually or all at once. All authors have given permission for their presentations to be uploaded to our website. All copyrights remain with these authors.

118 - Andrew Hoegh - Stat Programming to Principles of Da...

118 - Andrew Neath - Type S error Control in Hypothesis T...

118 - Darlene Olsen - Introducing R to Non-STEM Undergrad...

118 - Dusty Turner - Turner

118 - Jennifer Broatch - Helping All Students Design and ...

118 - Jim Pleuss - The Impact of Academically Homogeneous...

118 - Luis Quiros Gomez - A Didactic Game to Understand M...

118 - Philipp Burckhardt - How Students make Sense of Dat...

118 - Robert Carver - Shiny Dashboards to Help Students I...

118 - Robin Lock - Introducing Forecast Intervals with a ...

118 - Ryne VanKrevelen - Efficacy of 'The Islands'-based ...

118 - Sudipta Roy - Experiments in Statistics

118 - Tracy Morris - Statistical Consulting Experiences a...

153 - Emily Griffith - Griffith Emily Finding Undergradua...

153 - Gilbert Fellingham - Using University Athletic Prog...

153 - Justin Post - Implementing a Department-wide Underg...

153 - Kelly McConville - Understanding the Benefits and B...

153 - Vittorio Addona - Mentoring Undergraduate Research ...

196 - Joy Yang - Recreational Statistics

196 - Suhwon Lee - Affordable & OER in Statistical Educat...

212 - Alicia Johnson - Authoring & Utilizing Open Source...

212 - Andrew Bray - infer

212 - Chester Ivan Ismay - Using Data to Drive Curriculum...

212 - Garrett Grolemund - Streamline your class with RStu...

212 - Jennifer Bryan - Version Control

287 - Erin Blankenship - Simulation Based Inference in a ...

287 - Erin Blankenship - Simulation-Based Inference in a ...

287 - Nathan Tintle - Results from a Multi-Institution St...

287 - Stacey Hancock - Assessing Student Improvement in a...

348 - Alana Unfried - Student Survey of Motivational Atti...

348 - Jackie Miller - Implementing the HyFlex (Hybrid-Fle...

348 - Richard Levine - Ensemble Learning for ITEs

35 - Monnie McGee - Interrater Agreement for Diving Compe...

35 - Roger Johnson - Playoff Series and the Incomplete Be...

380 - Allen Downey - Inference in three hours and more ti...

380 - Jeff Witmer - Bringing Intro Stats into a Multivari...

380 - Kari Lock Morgan - Multivariable Thinking with Data...

380 - Mine CetinkayaRundel - Intro Stats and Intro Data S...

380 - Nicholas J. Horton - Preparing students to make sen...

404 - Beth Chance - Effectively Explaining Statistical Co...

42 - Nicholas J. Horton - Introductory Statistics in a Wo...

471 - Anna Fergusson - Large-scale interactives for large...

471 - Catherine Case - Productive Struggle Toward Statist...

471 - Chris Wild - Discussion

471 - John DeNero - Teaching Data Science

471 - Matt Beckman - Effective Pedagogy In Large Enrollme...

518 - Jeffrey Rosenthal - Teaching Markov Chains Using Ja...

523 - Iain Pardoe - Reflections On 10 Years Of Teaching O...

523 - Jennifer Green - STEM Storytellers

558 - Kevin Ross - Simulation-based approach to teaching ...

651 - Albert Y. Kim - Dismantling Math

651 - David Hunter - Herding Cats

651 - Deborah Nolan - Designing A Group Major In Data Sci...

651 - Mine CetinkayaRundel - Expanding the Tent (Discussi...

651 - Randi Garcia - Pathways through the SDS Major at Sm...

9 - Nicholas J. Horton - Data Science Education 

JSM program specific to our section
Full list of all presentations sponsored by the Section on Statistical Education at JSM 2018, with links the corresponding abstracts.

Stat Ed JSM 2017 Presentations

All authors have given permission for their presentations to be uploaded to our website. All copyrights remain with these authors.

Modernizing the undergrad stat curriculum:

Hardin - Undergraduate research in stat & data science

Horton - Theoretical underpinnings for modernization

Parker - Industry expectations for stat graduates

Rundel - Dropping ad hoc stat computing education

Being research active in teaching-focused colleges:

Panel - An, Hardin, Roback, Wagaman, Wang, Zamba

JSM program specific to our section

Full list of all presentations sponsored by the Section on Statistical Education at JSM 2017, with links the corresponding abstracts.

Stat Ed JSM 2016 Presentations

All authors have given permission for their presentations to be uploaded to our website. All copyrights remain with these authors.

Adhikari - Doing more with data

Albert - (Big)Data science education

Andrews - Small college opportunities

BatesPrins - Doing & communicating about stats

Bergen - (Big)Data science education

Beyler - Health sciences journal clubs

BoehmVock - Doing & communicating about stats

Boomer - Small college opportunities

Broatch - Education analytics

Chance - Teaching with simulation-based inference

Chapman - Health sciences journal clubs

Delmas - Teaching with simulation-based inference

Dillard - Doing & communicating about stats

Frazier-LoFaro - Doing & communicating about stats

Genschel - Education analytics

Gould - Doing more with data

Healy - Health sciences journal clubs

Heggeseth - (Big)Data science education

Hitchcock - (Big)Data science education

Horton - Using R and RStudio

Hu - Small college opportunities

Imrey - Health sciences journal clubs

Kuiper - (Big)Data science education

Lock - (Big)Data science education

Loy - Small college opportunities

Maurer - Teaching with simulation-based inference

Morris-Ford - Doing & communicating about stats

Ndum - Education analytics

Phelps - Doing & communicating about stats

Pfenning - Health sciences journal clubs

Posner - Advancing statistical literacy

Rashid - Education analytics

Reyes - Small college opportunities

Rundel - Doing more with data

Simon - Health sciences journal clubs

Tintle - Teaching with simulation-based inference

vanEs-Weaver - Education analytics

Wagaman - Doing & communicating about stats

Ward - Doing more with data

West - Teaching with simulation-based inference

Woodard - Advancing statistical literacy

Woolford - (Big)Data science education

Panel: Evaluating intro stat textbooks



eCOTS 2016 Presentations

All presentations are now available online. The theme this year was “Changing with Technology."



Stat Ed JSM 2015 Presentations

All authors have given permission for their presentations to be uploaded to our website. All copyrights remain with these authors.

A. John Bailer, Undergrad and master's curriculum

Silas Bergen, Social justice in intro stat

Ann Cannon, Teaching the realities of data

Matthew A. Carlton, Proba in undergrad curriculum

Joe Chang, Proba and stat after calculus 

Julie Couton, What would Fisher do?

Phyllis Curtiss, History of stat in curriculum

Dick De Veaux, Intro stat

Jay Emerson, The future of stat

John D. Emerson, Student collaborative work 

Camille Fairbourn, Lessons from online stat class 

Ulrike Genschel, Leading questions in intro stat 

William M. Goodman, Resampling for paired cohorts

Stacey Hancock, Guidelines for undergrad program 

Jo Hardin, Future undergrad curriculum

Brianna Hitt, Undergrad retention

Tisha Hooks, Teaching study design

Jeff Kollath, Bootstrap and t methods

Kim Massaro, Quantitative writing

Scott Mcclintock, Freakatistics

Xiao-Li Meng, Undergrad curriculum

Kyle Nickodem, Geometry for regression

Nicola Parker Justice, Development of stat TAs

George Recck, Motivation with daily quizzes

Andrew Sage, Predicting retention in STEM

Milo Schield, Stat inference for managers

Robert Stephenson, Math placement

Therri Usher, Active learning of data analysis

Robert Vierkant, New curriculum and hiring

Xiaofei (Susan) Wang, Learning stat with R