
Welcome to the Government Statistics Section

American Statistical Association

GSS offers ongoing dialogues with statisticians involved in the development of techniques and practices related to government statistics and products, advancing knowledge sharing of cutting-edge practices; provides opportunities for members to better understand the levels of quality, continuity, comparability, appropriateness, accessibility, relevance, and timeliness of governmental statistical activities and the role of professional statisticians in public programs; co-sponsors the Jeanne E. Griffith Mentoring Award, the Wray Jackson Smith Scholarship, and the Roger Herriot Award; and sponsors the Pat Doyle Award. GSS also organizes topical workshops, events, and continuing educational offerings, offers a mentoring program, and creates professional development opportunities.



JSM 2024 GSS Business Meeting

Monday, August 5 from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm at the Hyatt Regency Portland, Room H-Columbia 5

All members are welcome to attend, and while there will be some business involved, there will also be food, drinks, and fun!


Join us at our GSS Business Meeting at JSM 2024! Thank you to everyone who made the meeting a success in 2023.

The 5th Seasonal Adjustment Practitioners Workshop (SAPW) will be held virtually September 11-12, 2024.  See the call for participation for more information.


Congratulations to our 2023 Award Recipients!

Pat Doyle Award: This year’s award goes to Maya Sternberg “for her distinguished contributions to the American Statistical Association and her invaluable service to the profession through her impactful collaborations at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

Outstanding Section Service Award: This year’s award goes to Jennifer Parker "for being an invaluable member of the GSS executive board, her unwavering commitment to GSS, and the recruitment of new members to the board. For leading innovative work throughout the federal statistical system, ensuring the continued success of ASA."

Wray Jackson Smith Scholarship: Kaitlyn Dowden (The Pennsylvania State University) and Robert A. Tumasian III (Columbia University)


Newsletters under the Documents tab now include newsletters from June 1994 to Spring 2023. 
Meeting Minutes under the Documents tab now include minutes from 2011 through 2022. 
(See Archives for meeting minutes from August 2000 to December 2010.)

As GSS returns to a more-normal schedule of awards and events, we hope to see more members engaged in these activi-ties. If your organization might be interested in reaching GSS members while supporting our charter mission to “...promote the use of sound statistical theory and methods in the production of data at all levels of government - be it federal, state, local, or international; assist in the broad dissemination of those data; and encourage good statistical practice by all users,” consider a corporate sponsorship!

A typical corporate sponsorship opportunity would be connected to an award or an event, with your organization contributing funds and being thanked as a sponsor of the award or event. Some possible opportunities are:

• The GSS JSM business meeting, which invites all GSS mem-bers attending JSM;
• GSS awards; or
• GSS-sponsored webinars.​​​​

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