Pat Doyle Award
The Executive Committee of the Government Statistics Section (GSS) created the Pat Doyle Award in 2005 as a tribute to Pat’s dedication to the statistical field and the GSS during her lifetime. When Pat died, she left her imprints on an astonishingly wide range of projects and activities in the U.S. federal statistical community. The award is given to a person who contributes to the GSS in a way that leaves a lasting impact on GSS and ASA. Recipients will receive a plaque and be recognized at the GSS Business Meeting at JSM as well as on the GSS website and newsletter.
Previous recipients of The Pat Doyle Award are:
(2005) Clyde Tucker (1st Award)
(2006) Robert Lussier
(2007) Wendy Alvey
(2008) John L. Czajka
(2009) Stephanie Shipp
(2010) Bill Wong
(2011) Natalya Verbitsky-Savitz
(2012) Carol House
(2013) Nancy Bates
(2014) Brian Harris-Kojetin
(2015) Stephen Cohen
(2016) Jill (Montaquila) DeMatteis
(2018) Kennon Copeland
(2019) Michelle (Shelly) Martinez
(2020) Elizabeth Mannshardt
(2021) Kathleen McDonald-Johnson
(2022) Will Cecere
The Government Statistics Section (GSS) welcomes nominations for the 2023 Pat Doyle Award.
To nominate someone for the award, please send a nomination letter to Simone Gray ( by Friday, April 21. In the letter, provide details of the nominee's contributions to the GSS, the ASA and the government statistical community. Self-nominations are welcome.