ASA Professional Development Resources

ASA has many resources for Professional Development across it's Sections and Chapters and at JSM as well as ASA sponsored Webinars and Podcasts

ASA also offers multiple Awards and Scholarships.  This list is maintained on ASA's StatTr@k site for Data Science professionals. 

April 2022 event: Mentoring Series: Careers in Government (Flyer)
A panel discussion on careers related to data science in government settings sponsored by the Applied Public Health Statistics Section
Friday, April 22nd 2002, 1:00 – 2:00pm EST
ZOOM Virtual Meeting  - Register at

Careers in Statistics and Data Science

Pod of the Asclepius Early Career Playlist.  Includes:
 "Data Science Career Q&A for Undergrads" - Feb 2021
Data Science Career Q&A - Mar 2021
Data Science Job Search | Q&A ASA Stat Consulting Section - May 2021
"Career Q&A: 10 Questions From a Beginner Data Scientist" - Dec 2020

Pathways to Promotion: Collaborative Statistician's Advice - May 2021.

ASA's StatTr@k - Produced by the American Statistical Association, STATtr@k is geared toward individuals who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world.
Soft Skills / Power Skills in Statistics and Data Science

"Communication and Leadership Skills for Navigating Your Professional Success" - NC ASA Webinar, Elizabeth Mannshardt, April 2021
-"highlights considerations beyond expertise in statistical methodologies. In a cross-disciplinary, global collaborative professional world, Power Skills such as communication are key tools."

Professional Development in Statistical Organizations - JSM 2020 Virtual Panel

-professional development in external professional societies and community groups

"Project Cycles, Career Path, Soft Skills & Pitfalls in Data Science" - NC ASA Webinar with Amazon's Ming Lin, 2020
-"describe the difference between a statistician and a data scientist including skills, knowledge, and programming background. Then we will introduce potential data science career paths in tech industry."

It's Not What We Said, It's Not What They Heard, It's What They Said They Heard - Past ASA President Barry Nussbaum
our profession frequently depends on our ability to succinctly explain our results so decision makers may correctly integrate our efforts

ASA CCD's list of Soft Skills Trainings - 2017

ASA's Statistical Leadership Institute
"leadership learning is a life-long enterprise" - Past ASA President, Lisa LaVange

ASA's Leadership Institute Professional Development Resources - webinars, videos, courses, and certificates

"What Does Data Science Mean to an Executive?" - NC ASA Webinar with NCSU's Aric Labarr, 2019
-"How then do we get through the hype and onslaught of information around data science, big data, AI, and any other buzz word in this space to realize the important things executives need to know"

ASA's Career Planning and Leadership Videos - ASA
 - "webcast was created as part of the ASA initiative on Career Success Factors for Statisticians." 10 segments with a total length of about 90 minutes

Statistical Leadership - Past ASA President Bob Rodriguez, Amstat article
"Leadership ability is a prerequisite for the growth of our field because statistics is an interdisciplinary endeavor and our success ultimately depends on getting others to understand and act on our work."