

The American Statistical Association (ASA) 
Committee on Career Development

Please join the ASA Committee on Career Development (ASA CCD) at JSM 2024 in Portland, Oregon for our annual in person professional networking event! 

The professional networking event is for students, early career, and all statisticians to practice networking in a friendly environment. The event will be held in person on Sunday, August 4 from 2 - 4pm Pacific Time in room #CC-D136 in the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, Oregon

Register Here: https://forms.gle/7EjeqhaV8vutrS1Z9 

During this professional networking event, attendees will listen to remarks from three featured speakers before practicing networking skills in a friendly, relaxed environment. To attend this free professional networking event, please note that you must be registered for JSM 2024.

Featured speakers for the professional networking event include:

  • Dr. Ji-Hyun Lee, Professor, Department of Biostatistics, University of Florida & ASA President Elect

  • Distinguished members of the ASA Committee on Career Development! 

The ASA CCD needs mid to late career professionals from all areas (academia, industry, and government) to also attend this event as volunteers, providing students and early career statisticians opportunities to practice networking. The more volunteers the better, so students and early career professionals have several people to practice with as they "rotate" through the crowd. 

Please note that ASA CCD events are free and open to all, but events held at JSM require JSM registration to attend. For ASA CCD events, ASA membership is not required, but we hope that CCD events encourage you to join the ASA. Join the "Friends of CCD" email list to hear about upcoming CCD events and opportunities. 

Pilot Exception to Participate in Technical and Professional Development Sessions at JSM

ASA's Membership Council and the JSM Policy Committee is working to increase diversity across both technical and professional development sessions in order to better serve the needs of the community, and to provide expanded opportunities to all attendees to present at JSM.  The current JSM program rules restricting speakers to one session may result in speakers having to choose between speaking on their technical work or offering professional development to the JSM community. This pilot exception aims to increase participation across both types of sessions and to provide people the opportunity to present in both a technical session and a professional development session. 

The following topics are included in the definition of a professional development session:

      Process of making decisions for long term learning, to align personal needs of physical or psychological fulfillment with career advancement opportunities

      Decide on a career goal, then map out the experience, competencies and connections

      Transferable skills: communication, problem solving, self-control (emotional intelligence)

      Self-awareness, application, and reflection

      Networking, seeking out a mentor and taking on new responsibilities

      Coaching, mentoring, skills development, networking and career pathing

      Leadership; Career path

Teaching sessions and continued education courses are covered under a different set of JSM participation guidelines and currently do not qualify for this pilot exception program.

This form must be filled out to apply for the exemption.  The exception is for JSM only.  Other ASA conferences may wish to pilot this exception via a separate process.  Requests for exceptions will be evaluated by the Professional Development Session Working Group on behalf of the JSM Policy Committee.  Information from exceptions will be recorded for assessment by the JSM Policy Committee.  The assessment may be used to determine future JSM policy. 
The definition of Professional Development and the exception policy were developed by working group members representing ASA's Membership Council, Committee on Career Development, JEDI Group, Committee on Women in Statistics, and Committee on Minorities in Statistics.

Link To Form: https://forms.gle/9qJQtEiWV6LCmi8T6   


Upcoming Webinar! Join the ASA Committee on Career Development on May 23 for "Navigating Career Advancement: Emerging Trends for Experienced Practitioners and New Leaders"


Upcoming Webinar! Join the ASA Committee on Career Development on Friday, October 20 at 4pm Eastern Time for a FREE webinar on PStat Accreditation. We hope to see you there!

Registration Link: https://amstat.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vT8D6s6FQDywUT9BX5fzpw#/registration 

Recent Committee Events:


The JSM 2023 ASA Committee on Career Development Professional Networking Event in Toronto was a big success!

The professional networking event is for students and early career statisticians to practice networking in a friendly environment. The event occurred on Sunday, August 6th from 2 - 4pm ET in the Intercontinental Toronto Centre, Room: I -- Ballroom B during the annual Joint Statistical Meetings Toronto, Canada.

Featured speakers for the professional networking event included:

  • Madhumita (Bonnie) Ghosh-Dastidar, ASA-President Elect & Senior Statistician & Head, RAND Statistics Group
  • Emilda Rivers, Director, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES), National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • Mark Otto, Statistician at United States Fish and Wildlife Service

Want to volunteer at the JSM 2023 Networking Event? Register today! 

Join our "Friends of the CCD" email list for notifications of upcoming Career Development events
Look for More Great CCD Events in 2023!

Recent CCD Events

July 21 2023 Webinar: Has the Pandemic Changed the Way We Grow As Leaders?

Description: It is obvious that the pandemic has changed our lives forever in different ways, and many have
learned to cope with it. However, there are key lessons we can learn and apply to becoming
better leaders and helping others grow in their leadership. In this webinar, speakers from the ASA biopharmaceutical section will address how the pandemic altered their careers and what leadership will look like in the biopharmaceutical sector in the post-pandemic world.

  • Claude Petit (Astellas)
  • Erik Pulkstenis (Abbvie)
Grant Weller (Intellisense)

Jan 20 2023 2-3pm Eastern: CCD supports ASA's Committee on Statistics and Disabilities & JEDI's panel on "Transitioning from School to Work with Disabilities

CCD "Along Your Career Path in Statistics and Data Science" Webinar Series: Changing Careers
CCD hosts a panel of industry, academic, and government representatives to talk about changing careers in Statistics and Data Science, including tips and insights - CCD Webinars

CCD Supports COWIS & CWS Panel on Work-Life Balance
ASA Committee on Women in Statistics (COWIS) and the Caucus for Women in Statistics (CWS) co-hosted a panel on ‘Work and Life Balance in Unusual Times'

CCD's "Networking Like a Pro: Guided Networking" returned to JSM 2022!
Learns tips from the pros and practice networking in an informal session.

New to JSM? Pre-JSM Webinar with tips & tricks!
Learn how to get the most out of JSM and large conferences -  CCD Blog has tips from the discussion!
CCD also promoted JSM's First Time Attendee Orientation and Opening Reception

CCD co-sponsored “From the Horse's Mouth: How Mentoring Shaped My Career and How it Can Shape Yours Too!” panel at JSM. Hosted by the Committee on Minority and Statistics along with the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Outreach Group and co-sponsored by the CCD, held at JSM’s Diversity Workshop and Mentoring Program (DWMP).

Webinar on Portfolio Technology Adoptions
Friday May 13th 2022 at 12pm Eastern- Recording
CCD Portfolio site

CCD's "Along Your Career Path in Data Science" Distinguished Careers Panel - Blog and Recording

2021 initiatives
included CCD's "Along Your Career Path in Data Science" Webinar Q&A Panels and Your Portfolio: Technology Adoptions

Join our "Friends of the CCD"
email list for notifications of upcoming Career Development events

What We Do

The ASA Committee on Career Development provides support and information about career decisions to ASA members. The committee is also charged with providing information to non-members who are considering a career in statistics.

Who We Are

The CCD is comprised of nine members who serve three year staggered terms and are appointed by the ASA president.  The CCD sponsors and co-sponsors workshops and sessions at the annual JSM each year to serve the needs of ASA members.  The committee continually reviews other possibilities to support the membership and fulfill their mission.


2020 offerings included Virtual Guided Networking at JSM and Virtual Office Hours

CCD participant feedback (2020):

I wanted to express my appreciation for the Career Development Networking Event. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet other statisticians and learn tips on how to navigate this online work/meeting/conference environment."




Contact Information

Committee Chair 

Daniel Elchert
American Statistical Association
732 North Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 684-1221
Fax: (703) 684-3445