April 2022 event: Mentoring Series: Careers in Government (Flyer)
A panel discussion on careers related to data science in government settings sponsored by the Applied Public Health Statistics Section
Friday, April 22nd 2002, 1:00 – 2:00pm EST ZOOM Virtual Meeting
- Register at https://tinyurl.com/2skv7t2y
Diversity Mentoring Program returns to JSM 2021!
Interested students and professionals are encouraged to apply on or before May 31. Limited student travel funding support is available.
SSDS Mentoring 2021 - deadline May 10 2021
The Committee on Minority in Statistics welcomes applications and mentors* for the 2019 JSM Diversity Workshop and Mentoring Program (DWMP)!
When: The DWMP will take place during the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) July 28-July 31, 2019 in Denver, CO and will include a full-day workshop on Sunday followed by daily 2hr sessions Monday through Wednesday. Additionally, participants who are matched with a mentor will have 1-1 mentoring sessions during JSM.
What: The DWMP engages participants in development activities and mentoring to help statisticians achieve career success and motivate increased involvement and leadership in ASA and the profession at large. The theme for the 2019 DWMP is "Developing Leaders, Growing Community, and Ensuring a Diverse Profession." The agenda is here: community.amstat.org/cmis/events/dwmp/dwmp2019.
Who: The JSM Diversity Workshop and Mentoring Program brings together approximately 100 minority statisticians (graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, early career professionals and senior-level statisticians from academia, government, and the private sector) from underrepresented groups. Interested individuals are encouraged to apply by June 1st. community.amstat.org/cmis/events/dwmp/dwmp2019
*GSS Members interested in mentoring are encouraged to contact Dionne Swift (swift.dp.com) or Brian Millen (bmillen@lilly.com) to suggest potential mentors.
ASA has many Mentoring resources across it's Sections and Chapters and at JSM
Committee on Applied Statistics: https://community.amstat.org/cas/mentoring1
2020 NISS Writing Workshop - following JSM on August 7 and 14. The goal of this virtual workshop is to provide instruction for writing journal articles and grant proposals. Participants will be required to provide a recent sample of their writing, which will be reviewed by a senior mentor. The writing sample could be a draft of an article to be submitted for publication or an early version of a grant proposal. More information will be posted at https://www.niss.org/events/2020-niss-writing-workshop-junior-researchers-jsm. Submissions by June 30 2020.