Communication and Leadership Skills for Navigating Your Professional Success

Title: "Communication and Leadership Skills for Navigating Your Professional Success"
By: Dr. Elizabeth Mannshardt
Date: March 19, 2021

"Communication and Leadership Skills for Navigating Your Professional Success" highlights considerations beyond expertise in statistical methodologies. In a cross-disciplinary, global collaborative professional world, Power Skills such as communication are key tools. The rapidly expanding platform of collaborative work across disciplines often includes a variety of communications: from highly educated scientific colleagues, technical non-scientists with whom one collaborates in day-to-day work, briefings with senior management, to the media and the public as well as decision makers in policy. Building Power Skills can also help you develop leadership skills and define your leadership style. Together these can create options across many types of career paths. Combining experiences across academic research and teaching, industry, and government, Elizabeth will discuss how to develop power skills using real-world examples with actionable and practical techniques. The discussion includes a set of activities for participants - for immediate hands-on interaction as well as take-home reflection.

Elizabeth Mannshardt is the Associate Director of the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Information Access and Analytic Services Division and an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics at North Carolina State University. Elizabeth is a former President of the North Carolina Chapter of the American Statistical Association and actively serves on committees and Executive Boards within the ASA. Originally from California, she received her PhD in Statistics from UNC Chapel Hill. Prior to joining EPA, Elizabeth held two National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships in Environmental Statistics and was a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University.