JSM 2020 VIRTUAL Guided Networking Session
By Elizabeth Mannshardt and Claire McKay Bowen
The ASA Committee on Career Development (ASA CCD) and ASA Gives Back 2020 hosted a Virtual Guided Networking Session with the goal of helping students and early-career statisticians prepare for Virtual JSM 2020. This networking social provided a friendly environment for students and early career statisticians to practice meeting and greeting volunteers who were mid to late career professionals from academia, industry, and government. Additionally, the networking event featured ASA 2020 President-Elect Rob Santos along with Dr. Emma Benn (Mount Sinai) and Dr. Karen Price (Eli Lily).
Virtual Guided Networking at JSM 2020:
More specifically, the 2020 Virtual Guided Networking Session focused on networking on social media, interviewing virtually, and remote working. ASA President-Elect Rob Santos offered advice about proper staging of your virtual interview place, including lighting and neutral background to focus the attention on you and what you have to offer. Professor Emma Benn discussed the benefits of have a professional virtual presence and networking via social media platforms, where some may be more comfortable interacting than in-person. Dr. Karen Price talked about the benefits of remote working, and tricks for maximizing your remote working skills. After each speaker provided their advice, participants broke into breakout rooms for small-group interactions between students and young professionals and the more established mentors/volunteers. In these breakout rooms, all participants discussed their take-aways from the presentations and offered personal advice.
The students and early career professionals expressed their thanks and feedback:
“I wanted to express my appreciation for the Career Development Networking Event. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet other statisticians and learn tips on how to navigate this online work/meeting/conference environment."
 That was really helpful and interesting."
"Thanks again for creating such a wonderful experience."
"Thanks for hosting such a great networking event!"
Join the ASA Committee on Career Development (ASA CCD) again for the JSM Networking 2021! Also, be sure to check out the CCD’s other upcoming virtual 2021 events, including Professional Webinars and CCD Office Hours on topics such as Visa’s and Promotions!