Portfolio Project

Technology Adoptions

An ASA CCD 2021 initiative is to provide resources in Technology Adoptions for expanding your online portfolio via resources such as Netlify for blog hosting, Hugo for blog site generation, R's blogdown package for creating the blog content,  RStudio and GitHub for pulling it all together.  Look for an intro to Git along with ideas for “How to use the blog to communicate technical ability.”  

Check out the new CCD Portfolio Project website: https://ccdportfolio.netlify.app

If you are interested in contributing to the CCD’s portfolio initiative, , let us know.

Webinar on Portfolio Technology Adoptions
Friday May 13th 2022 at 12pm Eastern- Recording

Portfolio Project

The CCD has redesigned its Technology Adoption portfolio! 
To offer tools, resources, and technology to scholars and practitioners for developing and cultivating a vibrant, professional online presence.

Visit the site to learn more about the project and keep up to date on the latest blog posts: https://ccdportfolio.netlify.app/
Blog topics include Purposeful Career Development, Installing Hugo with Blogdown, Introduction to the Portfolio Project, Creating a New Theme and more!

Resume/cv preparation: