Our Recent Winners

2024 COPSS Award Winners

Presidents' Award

Veronika Rockova, University of Chicago

For path-breaking contributions to theory and methodology at the intersection of Bayesian and frequentist Statistics in the areas of variable selection, factor models, non-parametric Bayes, tree-based and deep-learning methods, high-dimensional inference, generative methods for Bayesian computation; for exemplary service to Statistics and for generous mentorship of students and post-doctoral researchers.


E. L. Scott Award

Regina Y. Liu, Rutgers University

For her dedicated leadership and commitment to the statistical profession towards fostering opportunities, developing careers and creating supportive work environment for underrepresented groups and new researchers; and for her outstanding research contributions to statistics, particularly in data depth and nonparametric statistics.


COPSS Distinguished Achievement Award and Lectureship

 Robert TibshiraniStanford University

For fundamental contributions to statistics and machine learning that have deepened, broadened and created a bridge between those fields; for bringing key statistical ideas in multiple testing and high-dimensional learning to the broader scientific community; for high-impact textbooks on generalized additive models, the bootstrap, high dimensional statistics, and statistical learning that have come to define those fields; and for outstanding mentoring of PhD students and junior researchers. 

2023 COPSS Award Winners

Presidents' Award

Ryan Tibshirani, University of California, Berkeley

For deep contributions to theoretical statistics including nonparametric estimation, high dimensional inference, spline theory and distribution-free inference; For the development of new methodology including trend filtering and post-selection inference; For contributions at the interface of statistics and optimization; and for the development of methods for epidemic tracking and forecasting and co-leading the Delphi Research Group during the COVID pandemic.


F. N. David Award

Karen Bandeen-Roche, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

For outstanding leadership and service in the statistics and biostatistics community, for her leadership in statistical education, and for her achievements in biostatistical research, particularly in the field of aging research and frailty.

David Dunson

George W. Snedecor

Michael Kosorok, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health

For foundational, creative, and original contributions to mathematical statistics; for methodological developments in empirical processes and machine learning; for advancement of precision health; and for mentoring of students, postdocs, and junior faculty. 


COPSS Distinguished Achievement Award and Lectureship

 Bin Yu, University of California, Berkeley

For fundamental contributions to information theory; statistical and machine learning methodology; interdisciplinary research in fields such as genomics, neuroscience, remote sensing, and document summarization; and for outstanding dedication to professional service, leadership, and mentoring of students and young scholars. 

2022 Winners

Presidents' Award

Daniela Witten, University of Washington

For bridging the gap between the questions that scientists are asking about their data and the statistical methods that are available to provide insightful answers, especially in the context of biomedical research; for developing flexible and interpretable approaches for modeling large-scale and high-dimensional data; and for the significant elevation of statistical science via successful translation of statistical ideas to a broad audience.


Elizabeth L. Scott Award

Madhu Mazumdar, Mount Sinai

For serving as an outstanding role model of leadership and creating new leadership opportunities for statisticians; fostering opportunities in statistics and promoting statistical careers for diverse trainees; dedication to training and mentoring the next generation of statistical leaders; and excellence in team science research.


COPSS Distinguished Achievement Award and Lectureship

Nancy Reid, University of Toronto

For pioneering contributions to statistical theory and in particular to likelihood inference, strong commitment to the promotion of statistical thinking across a range of applications, outstanding service to the statistical profession, and for being a role model, advocate and mentor to young statisticians. 


Presidents' Award

Jeffrey T. Leek, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

For influential work addressing high-dimensional data; for development of empirical tools for data science as a science with applications to meta-research, reproducibility, and replicability; for scaling (bio)statistics-centered data science education to millions of people worldwide; and for leveraging data science tools, educational technologies, and community partnerships to create economic opportunities in under-served communities.


F.N. David Award

Alicia Carriquiry, Iowa State University

For being an outstanding role model for female and Latin American statisticians and for statisticians striving for scientific impact; for influential Bayesian, forensics, transportation, and nutrition research; for effective leadership of multidisciplinary groups; for extensive engagement in the National Academies and professional statistical societies; and for advocacy for female and early-career statisticians.

Wing Hung Wong

COPSS Distinguished Achievement Award and Lectureship

Wing Hung WongStanford University

For seminal and consequential advancements in the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of Bayesian modeling and inference; for significant contributions in high-dimensional statistical inference, nonparametric Bayesian modeling, and their wide-ranging applications in biomedical and natural science.


David Dunson

George W. Snedecor

David DunsonDuke University

For seminal and consequential advancements in the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of Bayesian modeling and inference; for significant contributions in high-dimensional statistical inference, nonparametric Bayesian modeling, and their wide-ranging applications in biomedical and natural science. 

Rina Foygel Barber

Presidents' Award

Rina Foygel BarberUniversity of Chicago

For fundamental contributions to statistical sparsity and selective inference in high-dimensional problems, for the creative and novel knockoff filter to cope with correlated coefficients, for contributions to compressed sensing, the jackknife, and conformal predictive inference; for the encouragement and training of graduate and undergraduate students.


Amita Manatunga

Elizabeth L. Scott Award

Amita ManatungaEmory University

For her dedicated mentoring of the next generation of statisticians;  committed leadership in expanding statistical opportunities for women and minorities at the individual, institutional, and professional society levels; and excellence in biostatistical research.

Kathryn Roeder

COPSS Distinguished Achievement Award and Lectureship

Kathryn Roeder, Carnegie Mellon University

For outstanding contributions to statistical science in the areas of mixture models, semiparametric inference, and multiple testing, and to the development of statistical methods aimed at finding the genetic basis of human disease, including the development of powerful methods for discovering genes underlying psychiatric disorders such as autism.

Hadley Wickham

Presidents' Award

Hadley Wickham, RStudio

For influential work in statistical computing, visualization, graphics, and data analysis; for developing and implementing an impressively comprehensive computational infrastructure for data analysis through R software; for making statistical thinking and computing accessible to large audience; and for enhancing an appreciation for the important role of statistics among data scientists.

Susan S. Ellenberg

F.N. David Award

Susan S. EllenbergUniversity of Pennsylvania

For impactful leadership roles at the  NIH, FDA and the University of Pennsylvania developing and evaluating new methodologies and specialized approaches to improve the conduct of clinical trials; for influencing ethical practice and leading development of important regulatory policies; for leadership in setting standards for clinical trial data monitoring committees; for senior statistical leadership for many multicenter clinical research network clinical trials; for distinguished leadership in numerous professional societies and national and international committees addressing major public health challenges; and for serving as an exceptional academic role model for faculty and students. 

Paul Rosenbaum

R.A. Fisher Award

Paul R. Rosenbaum, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

For pioneering contributions to methodology for observational studies, important applications of such methodology to health outcomes studies, lucid books on statistical principles and methodology for observational studies and excellent mentoring. 


George W. Snedecor Award

Sudipto BanerjeeUniversity of California, Los Angeles

For groundbreaking and fundamental work on Bayesian hierarchical modeling and the analysis of large spatial datasets; for significant contributions to the mapping of disease incidence in space and time, and the analysis of environmental exposures.


Presidents' Award

Richard J. Samworth, University of Cambridge

For fundamental contributions to nonparametric inference under shape constraints, nonparametric classification, high-dimensional variable selection change point estimation; for many substantial contributions to the profession including editorial service, extensive service to statistical societies; and for the training and mentoring of junior researchers.


Elizabeth L. Scott Award

Bin Yu, University of California, Berkeley

For principled leadership in the international scientific community; for commitment and actions towards diversity, equity and inclusion; for consistently mentoring and encouraging women students and new researchers in statistics and data science; and for scientific contributions to statistical and machine learning methodology at the highest scholarly level.


R.A. Fisher Award

Susan A. Murphy, Harvard University

For scientific contributions to statistical theory and methods at the highest level and for fundamental advances in the innovative use of statistics to further behavioral and mental health research

Watch the COPSS Awards and Fisher Lecture at JSM2018  (Webcasts)


Presidents' Award

Tyler J. VanderWeele, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

For fundamental contributions to causal inference and the understanding of causal mechanisms; for profound advancement of epidemiologic theory and methods and the application of statistics throughout medical and social sciences; and for excellent service to the profession including exceptional contributions to teaching, mentoring, and bridging many academic disciplines with statistics.


Florence N. David Award

Xihong Lin, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

For leadership and collaborative research in statistical genetics and bioinformatics; and for passion and dedication in mentoring students and young statisticians.


George W. Snedecor Award

Aurore Delaigle, University of Melbourne

For fundamental and groundbreaking contributions to the statistical theory of group testing of pooled laboratory samples, and for contributions to measurement error methods and density estimation.


R.A. Fisher Award

Robert E. Kass, Carnegie Mellon University

For ground-breaking contributions to several areas of statistics including of differential geometry in statistical theory as well as theory and methodology of Bayesian inference; for commitment to the application of principled statistical thinking and modeling to problems in computational neuroscience; and for his strong dedication to of students and users of statistics

Watch the COPSS Awards and Fisher Lecture at JSM2017  (Webcasts)


R.A. Fisher Award

Alice S. Whittemore, Stanford University School of Medicine

For fundamental contributions to biostatistics and epidemiology, covering a wide range of topics from environmental risk assessment to genetic linkage analysis, genetic association studies and cancer epidemiology; for bringing her statistical and mathematical insight to bear on the collection and interpretation of scientific data; for her leadership in large consortia of cancer studies; and for being a role model for many young scientists.

E.L. Scott Award

Amanda L. Golbeck,  of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

For her outstanding efforts in enhancing the status of women and minorities, fostering new leadership opportunities for women and men, promoting diversity at all levels, and advocating for a more inclusive, open and supportive atmosphere in statistical sciences.

Presidents' Award

Nicolai Meinshausen, ETH Zurich

For fundamental and ingenious contributions to high-dimensional inference, variable selection, multiple testing, graphical models, machine learning and causal inference for heterogeneous data.


Watch the COPSS Awards and Fisher Lecture at JSM2016  (Webcasts)


G. W. Snedecor Award

Danyu Lin, University of North Carolina

For foundational contributions to the field of biometry, especially for semiparametric regression models with censored data. For influential research in genome-wide association next-generation sequencing studies. For steadfast service to the profession.

F.N. David Award

Francesca Dominici, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

For her premiere research in biostatistics and public health, including development of statistical methods for the analysis of large observational data with the ultimate goal of addressing important questions in environmental health science, health-related impacts of climate change, and public health; for her outstanding contribution to research on outdoor air pollution and health which has formed the critical basis for policies on air quality; for her leadership in multidisciplinary collaborations for research and her commitment to scientific research at the highest level with studies designed to improve public health; and for being an insightful mentor and exemplary role model for future generations of statisticians, especially young women.

Presidents' Award

John D. Storey, Princeton University

For transformative and groundbreaking research on the theory, methods, and applications of inference methods, particularly significance testing applied to high-dimensional data analysis problems. For impactful development and application of statistics to modern biological and medical research.  For service to the field of statistics in interdisciplinary activities.

R.A. Fisher Award

Stephen E. Fienberg, Carnegie Mellon University

For wide-ranging and highly influential contributions to the theory and practice of statistics; for fundamental advances in methodology, interpretation and computation in the analysis of categorical data; for broad-reaching contributions to statistical methods for sample surveys; for seminal work on record linkage, privacy and social network analysis; for outstanding and prolific service to the profession and to society; and for being a role model, advocate and mentor to young statisticians.

Watch the COPSS Awards and Fisher Lecture at JSM2015  (Webcasts)


Fisher Award and Lecture

Grace Wahba, University of Wisconsin

For fundamental contributions to many areas of statistics, including time series, splines, smoothing, nonparametric statistics, likelihood estimation, density estimation, and to interdisciplinary areas including climatology, epidemiology, bioinformatics machine learning. In particular, her work in reproducing kernel Hilbert space representation and generalized cross-validation have become standard practice in scientific research and industry.

Presidents' Award

Martin J. Wainwright, University of California, Berkeley

For fundamental and ground-breaking contributions to high-dimensional statistics, graphical , machine learning, optimization and algorithms covering deep and elegant mathematical analysis, as well as methodology with wide-ranging implications for numerous applications

E. L. Scott Award

Kathryn Chaloner, University of Iowa

For her commitment and success in developing programs to encourage and facilitate women to undertake careers in statistics; for extensive mentoring of women students and young faculty; for work to identify and remove inequities in employment for under-represented components of the profession; and for serving as a role model, balancing work and family while excelling as a teacher, researcher and academic administrator.

