1964 |
S. Bartlett
University of Chicago and University College, London
“R. A. Fisher and the last fifty years of statistical methodology” (JASA 60, 1965, 395-409) |
1965 |
Oscar Kempthorne
Iowa State University
“Some aspects of experimental inference” (JASA 61, 1966, 11-34) |
1966 |
1967 |
John W. Tukey
Princeton University and Bell Telephone Laboratories
“Some perspectives in data analysis” |
1968 |
Leo A. Goodman
University of Chicago
“The analysis of cross-classified data: independence, quasi-independence, and interactions in contingency tables with or without missing entries” (JASA 63, 1968, 1091-1131) |
1969 |
1970 |
Leonard J. Savage
Princeton University
“On rereading R. A. Fisher” (Annals of Statistics 4, 1976, 441-500) |
1971 |
Cuthbert Daniel Private Consultant
“One-at-a-time plans” ( JASA 68, 1973, 353-360) |
1972 |
William G. Cochran Harvard University
“Experiments for nonlinear functions” ( JASA 68, 1973, 771-781) |
1973 |
Jerome Cornfield George Washington University
“On making sense of data” |
1974 |
George E. P. Box University of Wisconsin
“Science and statistics” (JASA 71, 1976, 791-799) |
1975 |
Herman Chernoff Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Identifying an unknown member of a large population” (Annals of Statistics 8, 1980, 1179-1197) |
1976 |
George A. Barnard University of Waterloo
“Robustness and the logic of pivotal inference” |
1977 |
R. C. Bose University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
“R. A. Fisher's contribution to multivariate analysis and design of experiments” (Early history of multivariate statistical analysis. Multivariate Analysis IV, Proc. Fourth International Symposium, Dayton, Ohio, 1977.) |
1978 |
William Kruskal
University of Chicago
“Statistics in society: problems unsolved and unformulated” |
1979 |
C. R. Rao
Pennsylvania State University
“Fisher efficiency and estimation of several parameters” |
1980 |
1981 |
1982 |
F. J. Anscombe
Yale University
“How much to look at the data” (Utilitas Mathematica 21A, 1982, 23-28) |
1983 |
I. R. Savage
University of Minnesota
“Nonparametric statistics and a microcosm” |
1984 |
1985 |
T. W. Anderson
Stanford University
“R. A. Fisher and multivariate analysis” |
1986 |
David H. Blackwell
University of California, Berkeley
“Likelihood and sufficiency” |
1987 |
Frederick Mosteller
Harvard University
Methods for studying coincidences” (with P. Diaconis) (JASA 84, 1989, 853-861) |
1988 |
Erich L. Lehmann University of California, Berkeley
“Model specification: Fisher's views and some later strategies” |
1989 |
Sir David R. Cox Nuffield College, Oxford
“Probability models: their role in statistical analysis |
1990 |
Donald A. S. Fraser York University
“Statistical inference: likelihood to significance” (JASA 86, 1991, 258-265) |
1991 |
David R. Brillinger University of California
“Nerve cell spike train data analysis: a progression of technique” (JASA 87, 1992, 260-271) |
1992 |
Paul Meier Columbia University
“The scope of general estimation” |
1993 |
Herbert E. Robbins Columbia University
“N and n - sequential choice between two treatments” |
1994 |
Elizabeth A. Thompson University of Washington
“Likelihood and linkage: from Fisher to the future” |
1995 |
Norman E. Breslow
University of Washington
“Statistics in epidemiology: the case-control study" |
1996 |
Bradley Efron
Stanford University
“R. A. Fisher in the 21st Century” |
1997 |
Colin L. Mallows
AT&T Bell Laboratories
“The Zeroth Problem” |
1998 |
Arthur Dempster Harvard University
“Logistic Statistics: Modeling and Inference” |
1999 |
Jack D. Kalbfleisch University of Waterloo
"The Estimating Function Bootstrap" (Canadian Journal of Statistics, 30, 2000, 449-499) |
2000 |
Ingram Olkin Stanford University
"R. A. Fisher and the Combining of Evidence" |
2001 |
James O. Berger Duke University
"Could Fisher, Jeffreys, and Neyman have agreed on Testing?" |
2002 |
Raymond Carroll Texas A&M University
"Variability Is Not Always A Nuisance Parameter" |
2003 |
Adrian F. M. Smith University of London
"On Rereading L. J. Savage Rereading R. A. Fisher" |
2004 |
Donald B. Rubin
Harvard University and University of Wisconsin
"Causal Inference Using Potential Outcomes: Design, Modeling, Decisions"
For fundamental and innovative contributions to scientific investigation through the development and promotion of modern statistical methodologies including missing data methods, causal inference, the EM algorithm and multiple imputations, and for his considerable impact on applied data analysis and Bayesian statistics.
2005 |
R. Dennis Cook University of Minnesota
“Dimension Reduction in Regression” (Statistical Science, 22, 2007, 1-26) For fundamental contributions to statistical analysis through his revolutionary research in the field of regression analysis that has led to numerous methodological contributions and innovations including influence statistics and regression graphics.
2006 |
Terence P. Speed University of California, Berkeley and Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
“Recombination and Linkage” For his fundamental contributions to the field, spanning early work on spatial models and contingency tables, through his contributions to classical ANOVA, to his innovative research in statistical genetics and genomics, through which Professor Speed has profoundly influenced the theory and practice of statistical science.
2007 |
Marvin Zelen
Harvard School of Public Health
“The early detection of disease – Statistical challenges” For fundamental contributions to the development of biostatistical science, which have had huge and lasting impact on the design, implementation and analysis of clinical trials; and for his vision and leadership that have established biostatistics as a central discipline in modern biomedicine and public health in the US and around the world.
2008 |
Ross L. Prentice
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and University of Washington
“The Population Science Research Agenda: Multivariate Failure Time Data Analysis Methods.” For fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of statistical science; for his influential and innovative research in the areas of survival analysis, life history processes, case-control cohort studies; and for his influential role in the conception, design, and implementation of the Women’s Health Initiative.
2009 |
Noel Cressie
Ohio State University
“Where, When, and then Why.” For pioneering advances in statistical methodology inspired by science and engineering, particularly in the areas of spatial and spatio-temporal statistics; and for his vision and leadership in the statistical modeling of uncertainties in environmental science.
2010 |
Bruce G. Lindsay Pennsylvania State University
“Likelihood: Efficiency and Deficiency.” For fundamental contributions to statistical theory that have had a profound impact on the practice of statistics; this includes significant results on mixture models, conditional score functions and composite likelihood that have influenced later developments in measurement error models and spatial statistics among other areas.
2011 |
C.F. Jeff Wu Georgia Institute of Technology
“Post-Fisherian Experimentation: from Physical to Virtual” For fundamental contributions to the planning, analysis and interpretation of statistical studies that have had a profound impact on the practice of statistics, especially in engineering; this includes significant results on resampling methods, theory of experimental design and pioneering work in industrial statistics that have changed the way statistical studies are used to optimize products and processes.
2012 |
Roderick J. Little
University of Michigan
“In praise of simplicity not mathematistry! Simple powerful ideas for the statistical scientist” For outstanding statistical research in the modeling and evaluation of missing data, sample survey and causal inference; for the clear and comprehensive application of these and other methodologies in science and public policy arenas; and for diverse and effective professional and academic leadership contributions
2013 |
Peter J. Bickel University of California, Berkeley
"Big Data: Continuities and Discontinuities” For groundbreaking contributions to semiparametric and nonparametric methods, adaptive estimation, and robust statistics; for applying in-depth and intricate theoretical analysis to realistic problems in the biological sciences; for penetrating and insightful analysis of scientific methodology which has yielded a lasting impact on our understanding of both theory and methods; and for exceptional training and mentoring of students, leadership of professional societies, and leadership of his academic department.
2014 |
Grace Wahba University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Positive Definite Functions, Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces, and All That” For fundamental contributions to many areas of statistics, including time series, splines, smoothing, nonparametric statistics, likelihood estimation, density estimation, and to interdisciplinary areas including climatology, epidemiology, bioinformatics and machine learning. In particular, her work in reproducing kernel Hilbert space representation and generalized cross-validation have become standard practice in scientific research and industry.
2015 |
Stephen E. Fienberg Carnegie Mellon University
“R. A. Fisher and the Statistical ABCs" For wide-ranging and highly influential contributions to the theory and practice of statistics; for fundamental advances in methodology, interpretation and computation in the analysis of categorical data; for broad-reaching contributions to statistical methods for sample surveys; for seminal work on record linkage, privacy and social network analysis; for outstanding and prolific service to the profession and to society; and for being a role model, advocate and mentor to young statisticians.
2016 |
Alice S. Whittemore Stanford University School of Medicine
“Personalizing Disease Prevention: Statistical Challenges” For fundamental contributions to biostatistics and epidemiology, covering a wide range of topics from environmental risk assessment to genetic linkage analysis, genetic association studies and cancer epidemiology; for bringing her statistical and mathematical insight to bear on the collection and interpretation of scientific data; for her leadership in large consortia of cancer studies; and for being a role model for many young scientists.
2017 |
Robert E. Kass Carnegie Mellon University
“The Importance of Statistics: Lessons from the Brain Sciences” For ground breaking contributions to several areas of statistics including use of differential geometry in statistical theory as well as theory and methodology of Bayesian inference; for strong commitment to the application of principled statistical thinking and modeling to problems in computational neuroscience; and for his strong dedication to training of students and users of statistics.
2018 |
Susan A. Murphy Harvard University
“The Future: Stratified Micro-randomized Trials with Applications in Mobile Health” For scientific contributions to statistical theory and methods at the highest level and for fundamental advances in the innovative use of statistics to further behavioral and mental health research.
2019 |
Paul R. Rosenbaum University of Pennsylvania
“An Observational Study Used to Illustrate Methodology for Such Studies” For pioneering contributions to statistical methodology for observational studies, important applications of such methodology to health outcomes studies, lucid books on statistical principles and methodology for observational studies and excellent mentoring.
2020 |
Kathryn Roeder Carnegie Mellon University
“Statistics and Genetics Offer a Window into Autism” For outstanding contributions to statistical science in the areas of mixture models, semiparametric inference, and multiple testing, and to the development of statistical methods aimed at finding the genetic basis of human disease, including the development of powerful methods for discovering genes underlying psychiatric disorders such as autism.
2021 |
Wing Hung Wong Stanford University
“Understanding human trait variation from the gene regulatory systems perspective”
For seminal and consequential advancements in the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of Bayesian modeling and inference; for significant contributions in high-dimensional statistical inference, nonparametric Bayesian modeling, and their wide-ranging applications in biomedical and natural science.
2022 |
Nancy Reid University of Toronto
"Likelihood and Its Discontents"
For pioneering contributions to statistical theory and in particular to likelihood inference, strong commitment to the promotion of statistical thinking across a range of applications, outstanding service to the statistical profession, and for being a role model, advocate and mentor to young statisticians.
2023 |
Bin Yu University of California, Berkeley
"Veridical Data Sciences towards Trustworthy AI"
For fundamental contributions to information theory; statistical and machine learning methodology; interdisplinary research in fields such as genomics, neuroscience, remote sensing, and document summarization; and for outstanding dedication to professional service, leadership, and mentoring of students and young scholars.