The SRMS honors the best poster presentations sponsored or co-sponsored by SRMS at JSM
- 2024 Poster Award Winners
non-SPEED session:
- Adiran Diaz "Unique Challenges of Weighting Calibration and Impact on COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Outcomes"
- Caleb Leedy (Iowa State University) "Debiased Calibration for Generalized Two-Phase Sampling"
SPEED session:
- Makayla Cowles (U.S. Energy Information Administration) "Evaluation of Data Quality and Imputation Methods for EIA's Liquefied Natural Gas Storage Report"
- Amy Pitts (Columbia University) "Multilevel Regression and Poststratification with Population Margins: Application to HIV Inference"
- 2023 Poster Award Winners
non-SPEED session:
- Timothy Van Blarcom (D3 Systems) "Machine Learning Applications to Survey Quality Control and Fraud Detection"
SPEED session:
- Harold Gomes (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) "Generalized Estimating Equations for Interpretable Coefficients of Trends, Seasonality & Covariates"
- 2022 Not awarded
- 2021 Not awarded
- 2020 Not awarded
- 2019 Poster Award Winners
- David Popko (Bureau of Labor Statistics) "Does Location Matter? A Case Study of the Influence of Geography in Measurement of Gasoline Prices"
- David McGrath (Department of Defense) "Effect of Monetary Incentives on Response Rates and Data Quality in a Survey of the U.S. Military"
- Christian Léger (Université de Montréal) "A Smooth Pseudo-Population Bootstrap Approach in Survey Sampling with Applications to Quantile Estimators"
- Rachel Harter (RTI International) "A Practical Guide to Small Area Estimation, Illustrated Using the Ohio Medicaid Assessment Survey"
- Jerry Maples (U.S. Census Bureau) "Small Area Estimates of the Child Population and Poverty in School Districts Using Dirichlet-Multinomial Models"
- Allshine Chen (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center) "Statistical Disclosure Control with Machine Learning”
- 2018 Poster Award Winners
non-SPEED session:
- Michael Yang, Edward Mulrow, Nada Ganesh, and Vickie Pineau (NORC) "Estimation Methods for Nonprobability Samples with a Companion Probability Sample"
SPEED session:
- Matt Jans, James Dayton, and Matt McDonough (ICF) "'You're Not from Around Here, Are You?': How Regional Accent Affects Survey Cooperation"
- Di Xiong, Yan Wang, and Honghu Liu (UCLA) "Imputation of Small Number of New Questions in the Large Survey"
- Jill A Dever (RTI International) "Combining Probability and Nonprobability Samples for Population Inference"
- Alan Karr (RTI International) "Record Linkage as a Decision Problem"
- Miles Ott (Smith College), Bjorn Westgard, Brian Martinson, and Michael Maciosek (HealthPartners) "Generalized Estimating Equations for Social Network Data"
- Brady T. West (University of Michigan) and Joe Sakshaug (University of Manchester) "The Problem of Analytic Error in Secondary Analysis of Survey Data: What We Know, and What We Need to Do About It"
- 2017 Poster Award Winners
non-SPEED session:
- Edward Mulrow, Rebecca Curtis, Ned English, Yongheng Lin, and Ilana Ventura (NORC at the University of Chicago) "Challenges in Linking Demographic Data at Different Geographic Levels"
- Sharon Lohr, Pamela Broene, and Eric Jodts (Westat) "Sample Design and Weighting for Estimating a Dose-Response Curve"
SPEED session:
- Michael Machiorlatti, Sixia Chen, and Sara Vesely (The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center) "The Heckman Selection Model with Complex Survey Data"
- Vladislav Beresovsky (National Center for Health Statistics) "Imputation as unifying framework for inferences from nonrandom samples"
- Geneviève Vézina and Pierre Caron (Statistics Canada) "Comparing Alternative Methods for the Random Selection of a Respondent Within a Household for Online Surveys"
- Michael R. Elliott, Vincent Tan, and Carol Flannagan (University of Michigan) "Highly Robust Multiple Imputation Models Using BART"
- 2016 Poster Award Winners
- George Couzens and Marcus Berzofsky (RTI International) "Assessing the Impact of Respondent Fatigue in the National Crime Victimization Survey"
- Ying Han (University of Maryland ) "Comparison of MCMC and ADM Methods for Hierarchical Bayesian Estimates in Small-Area Estimation"
- William Mockovak (Bureau of Labor Statistics) "Assessing the Reliability of Conversational Interviewing"
- Phil Kott (RTI International) "Calibration Weighting for Nonresponse with Proxy Frame Information"
- Yanna Yan, Michael Elliott, and Brady West (University of Michigan) "Generating Correlated Synthetic Binary Indicators of Radio Listening Behavior for Long-Term Projections"
- Yan Li(JPSM), Barry Graubard (National Cancer Institute), Pengyu Huang (Fors Marsh Group), and Joseph L. Gastwirth (The George Washington University)"Extension of the Peters-Belson Method to Estimate Health Disparities Among Multiple Groups Using Logistic Regression with Survey Data"
- 2015 Poster Award Winners
- George Couzens (RTI International) "Income interpolation from categories using a percentile constrained inverse-CDF approach"
- Yinan Fang (Iowa State University) "Semiparametric Estimation for Generalized Linear Models with Missing Covariates"
- Heather Kitada (Oregon State University) "Adjusting for effects of survey model difference across a longitudinal mixed-mode study"
- Sahar Zangeneh (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center) "Partially Missing at Random and Ignorable Inferences for Parameter Subsets with Missing Data"
- Vladislav Beresovsky (National Center for Health Statistics) "Sensitivity Analysis of Bias of Estimates from Web Surveys with Nonrandomized Panel Selection"
- 2014 Poster Award Winners
- Vladislav Beresovsky (National Center for Health Statistics) "Protecting Survey Design Information in Public Use Files by Constructing Combined Strata Accounting for the Realized Sample Selection"
- Ivan Carrillo-Garcia (RTI International) "Impact of Changing the Number of Interview Waves in the NCVS"
- Justin J McIllece (Bureau of Labor Statistics) "A Simplified Approach to Administrative Record Linkage in the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages"
- Edward Mulrow (NORC) "Ordered Sample Scatterplots for Displaying Survey Data"
- 2013 Poster Award Winners
non-SPEED session:
- Brianna Bright and Julia Soulakova (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) "On Simultaneous Interval Estimating the Relative Prevalence of Forward Shifting in Reported Regular Smoking Initiation Age"
- Marie-Eve Tremblay and Robert Courtemanche (Institut de la statistique du Québec) "Weighting Strategy in the Quebec Survey on the Experience of Health Care"
- Rey de Castro, Yang Xia, Connie Sosnoff, and Lee-Yang Wong (CDC National Center for Environmental Health) "Bootstrap Estimation of Variance from ROC Curve Analysis of Complex NHANES Survey Data"
SPEED session:
- Thomas Lumley (University of Auckland) "Analysis of Large Survey Data Sets Using Dynamically Generated SQL"
- Kathryn Aloisio, Nicholas J. Horton, Sonja Swanson, Alison E. Field, and Nadia Micali (Smith College, Boston Children's Hospital, and UCL Institute of Child Health) "Efficient Estimation of Partially Observed Clustered Data Using Multiple Imputation"
- 2012 Poster Award Winners
First Place
- Kelly Dixon, Mike Kwanisai and Al Tupek (Arbitron) "Assessing Coverage and Accuracy of an address-Based Frame for Subgroups of the Population"
Second Place
- Machell Town, Carol Pierannunzi, Ashley Hyon and William Garvin (CDC and MSG) "Refining Celluar Phone Samples Using Switch Centers in a Multiregaional Survey"
- Kanru Xia and Whitney Murphy (NORC)"Cell Phone Coverage in the REACH U.S."
- 2011 Poster Award Winners
- Rebecca Andridge (The Ohio State University ) "Decomposing the Fraction of Missing Information Into Auxiliary Variable Contributions for Monitoring Survey Data"
- David P. Lindstrom and Megan Klein Hattori (Brown University) "The Nonverbal Response Card Method for Soliciting Responses to Sensitive Questions"
- Burton Levine, Christine Davies and Bonnie Shook-Sa (RTI International) "Estimating the Bias Resulting from the Exclusion of Cell Phone-Only Respondents"
- 2010 Poster Award Winners
First Place Winners
- Dhuly Chowdhury, Karol Krotki and Lauren Courtney (RTI International) "Effective Sampling Methodology for Program Evaluation in Developing Countries"
Second Place
- Sahar Zangeneh and Roderick Little (University of Michigan) "Spline Models for the Population Total from PPS Samples: the Precision Gain from Knowing the Sizes of Nonsampled Units"
- Jennifer Parker (National Center for Health Statistics), Lester R. Curtin (CDC) and Van Parsons (National Center for Health Statistics) "A Simulation to Evaluate the Impact of Design on Model-Based Methods for NHANES Data Linked with Environmental Exposures"
- 2009 Poster Award Winners
First Place Winners
- Edward Mulrow, Susan Hinkins and Fritz Scheuren (NORC at the University of Chicago) "Visualization of Complex Survey Data"
Honorable Mention
- Jeffrey Gonzalez and John L. Eltinge (Bureau of Labor Statistics) "Imputation Methods for Adaptive Matrix Sampling"
- Tian Zheng and Tyler H. McCormick (Columbia University) "Latent Structure Models for Social Networks Using Aggregated Relational Data"
- 2008 Poster Award Winners
First Place Winners (tie)
- Van Parsons (National Center for Health Statistics) and Nathaniel Schenker (National Center for Health Statistics)
"State and County Small-Area Estimation Using the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System (BRFSS)"
- William P. Mockovak (Bureau of Labor Statistics) and Randall Powers (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
"The Use of Paradata for Evaluating Interviewer Training and Performance "
Honorable Mention
- Bethany A. Bell-Ellison (University of South Florida), John M. Ferron (University of South Florida), and Jeffrey D. Kromrey (University of South Florida)
"Cluster Size in Multilevel Models: The Impact of Sparse Data Structures on Point and Interval Estimates in Two-Level Models"
- Helbatollah Beghi (George Mason University), Teresa Panniers(George Mason University), and Mary Smolenski (American Nurses Credentialing Center)
"State and County Smnall-Area Estimation Using the National Health inte "Application of Confirmatory Factor Analysis To Establish the Validity of a Pratice-Analyis Survey"
- Danna L. Moore (Washington State University)
"Bid Design and Its Influence on Stated Willingness To Pay and Participation in a Deposit Refund Program in a Survey of Nonrefillable Plastic Pesticide Users"