Student Paper Awardees



WINNER: Kehao Zhu, Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington
Title: Weighted Brier Score - an Overall Summary Measure with Clinical Utility Consideration

WINNER: Zhirui Fu, Department of Biostatistics, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University
Title: Semiparametric Change Point Model for Survival Outcomes in the Presence of a U-Shaped Risk

WINNER: Yuyang Li
Title: Quantile Regression and Machine Learning in Options Trading: Unraveling Risk Differences between Physical and Risk-Neutral Densities in the S&P 500 Index

HONORABLE MENTION: Wenhao Li, Department of Biostatistics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Title: Backward Joint Model for Dynamic Prediction using Multivariate Longitudinal and Competing Risk Data

    WINNER: Lang Zeng, Department of Biostatistics, University of Pittsburgh
    Title: Dynamic Prediction using Time-Dependent Cox Survival Neural Network
    Co-authors: Jipeng Zhang, Wei Chen, and Ying Ding

    WINNER: Jingning Zhang, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
    Title: An Ensemble Penalized Regression Method for Multi-ancestry Polygenic Risk Prediction
    Co-authors: Haoyu Zhang, Jin Jin, Ruzhang Zhao, Cheng Ma, and Nilanjan Chatterjee

    HONORABLE MENTION: Ronak Mehta, Department of Statistics, University of Washington
    Title: Stochastic L-Risk Minimization
    Co-authors: Vincent Roulet, Krishna Pillutla, Lang Liu, and Zaid Harchaoui

    HONORABLE MENTION: Xinyang Jiang, Department of Biostatistics and Data Science, University of Texas Health Science Center
    Title: Addressing Subject Heterogeneity in Time-dependent Discrimination for Biomarker Evaluation
    Co-authors: Wen Li, Ruosha Li, and Jing Ning

    WINNER: Jiyang Wen, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
    Title: Joint Inference of Competing Risks Data Using Multiple Endpoints
    Co-authors: Chen Hu and Mei-Cheng Wang
    WINNER: Jackson Lautier, Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut
    Title: Modeling Time-to-Event Contingent Cash Flows: A Discrete-Time Survival Analysis Approach
    Co-authors: Vladimir Pozdnyakovy and Jun Yany

    WINNER: Jing Zhang, Department of Biostatistics and Data Science, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
    Title: Evaluating Dynamic Discrimination Performance of Risk Prediction Models for Survival Outcomes
    Co-authors: Jing Ning and Ruosha Li

    HONORABLE MENTION: Jun Jin, Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut
    Title: Hard Landing Analysis by Transfer Learning for High-dimensional Quantile Regression
    Co-authors: Jun Yan and Kun Chen

    HONORABLE MENTION: Zhiwei Zhen, The University of Texas at Dallas
    Title: Tlife-GDN: Detecting and Forecasting Spatio-Temporal Anomalies via Persistent Homology and Geometric Deep Learning
    Co-authors: Yuzhou Chen, Ignacio Segovia-Dominguez, and Yulia R. Gel

    WINNER: Nicholas Hartman, Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
    Title: Extending the Concordance Index to Left-Truncated Time-to-Event Data
    Co-authors: Sehee Kim, Kevin He, and John D. Kalbfleisch
    WINNER: Yuming Sun, Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
    Title: Individualized Risk Assessment of Preoperative Opioid Use by Interpretable Neural Network Regression
    Co-authors: Jian Kang, Chad Brummett, and Yi Li 
    HONORABLE MENTION: Maria A. Sans-Fuentes, Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona
    Title: Benchmark dose risk analysis with mixed-factor quantal data in environmental risk assessment
    Co-authors: Walter W. Piegorsch

    WINNER: Yuchen Yang, Johns Hopkins University: Title: Using benefit-risk process to evaluate treatment effect in the presence of multiple endpoints in randomized clinical trials ( with Chen Hu, Mei-Cheng Wang)
    RUNNER UP: Carlynn Fagnant, Rice University: Characterizing spatiotemporal trends in extreme precipitation in Southeast Texas (with A Gori, A Sebastian, P.B. Bedient, K.B. Ensor)

    WINNER: Qinxia Wang, Columbia University
    RUNNER UP: Wen Li, MD Anderson Cancer Center

    WINNER: Amal Agarwal, Pennsylvania State University: Model-Based Clustering of Nonparametric Weighted Networks with Application to Water Pollution Network Analysis
    RUNNER UP: Xingyuan Li, University of Pittsburgh: Modeling exposure-time-response association in the presences of competing risks


    WINNER:  Zifeng Zhao, University of Wisconsin-Madison, ATM: Autoregressive Tail-index Model for Maxima in Financial Time Series

    RUNNER UP:  Yizhen Xu, Brown University: Classification using Ensemble Learning under Weighted Misclassification Loss


    WINNER: Steven Kim, University of California Irvine: A Diversity Index for Model Selection in the Estimation of Benchmark and Infectious Doses via Frequentist Model Averaging (with R. L. Kodell and H. Moon).

    RUNNER UP: Beom Seuk Hwang (Ohio State University): Semiparametric Bayesian Joint Modeling of a Binary and Continuous Outcome with Applications in Toxicological Risk Assessment (with M. L. Pennell).


    Trina Patel, Department of Biostatistics UCLA School of Public Health: Toxicity Profiling of Engineered Nanomaterials via Multivariate Dose Response Surface Modeling (with Donatello Telesca, Saji George, and André E. Nel).


    Miguel de Carvalho, Ecole Polytechnique Fe'de'rale de Lausanne,Switzerland: Spectral Density Ratio Models for Multivariate Extremes (with A. C. Davison)

    Matthew Wheeler, University of North Carolina and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Bayesian Monotonic Semi-parametric Benchmark Dose Analysis (with A. John Bailer).


    Yan Sun was awarded $1000 as the section's Student/Young Research Paper award winner for 2010. Her manuscript was entitled "Regularization for Stationary Multivariate Time Series (with Xiaodong Lin). She is a PhD candidate in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, OH.


    Ya-Hsiu Chuang, University of Pittsburgh Bayesian model averaging approach in health effect studies: Sensitivity analyses using PM10 and cardiopulmonary hospital admission in Alleghany County, Pennsylvania, and simulated data (with Sati Mazumdar)

    Tim van Erven, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Catching up faster by switching sooner: A prequential solution to the AIC-BIC dilemma (with Peter Gruenwald and Steven de Rooij)


    Afisi Segun Ismaila, McMaster University
    Comparison of Bayesian and Frequentist Approaches in Modeling Risk of Preterm Birth Near the Sydney Tar Ponds, Nova Scotia, Canada (with Angelo Canty and Lehana Thabane)

    Chengyong Tang, Iowa State University
    Inference of Value at Risk for Dependent Financial Returns (with Song Xi Chen and Chengyong Tang)


    M. Brent McHenry, University of Pittsburgh
    A Modified Estimator for the Cumulative Covariate Effect in Aalen's Additive Risk Model


    Panagiotis Tsiamyrtzis, University of Minnesota
    Statistical Analysis of Salmonellosis Outbreak Data