The Outstanding Section Service Award is intended to recognize service to an ASA section. The selections are made by the sections using their own process and criteria, with winners reported to the Council of Sections Governing Board. The COSGB will provide a certificate to be presented at JSM, and a member of the Council of Sections Governing Board will attend the presentation if desired by the section.
Each year, one-third of the ASA sections are eligible to present an Outstanding Section Service Award. The eligible sections correspond to those working with the first-year Council of Sections Vice Chair. While the award is sponsored by the Council of Sections Governing Board, each section establishes its own criteria for the award and selects the winner.
Most sections have chosen one of two criteria for the award:
1. Recognition of long-term service to the section
2. Recognition of outstanding leadership around an impactful initiative for the section
Sections should establish their own procedures for selecting award winners. The COSGB encourages the sections to document these procedures in the section’s Responsibilities and Procedures manual. Sections have used a variety of methods to solicit nominees, including a broad announcement to the membership or nominations from the section’s Awards Committee. Final selection of the awardee should be made by the section Executive Committee.
Examples of the citations that have been used for the award include:
• For her generous contributions of time and talent to the section through ongoing service as Program Chair, Section Chair with initiation of the ASA Fellows nomination team, and Teaching Statistics in the Health Sciences Resources Portal founding board member and resource contributor.
• In recognition of the many and varied roles you have played in service to the section, including as program chair and chair, as representative to ASA Council of Sections, and for organizing the Spring Research Conference and Joint Research Conference.
• For serving the Section on Bayesian Statistical Science (SBSS) with great distinction and generosity as Treasurer, JSM short course instructor, and JSM session organizer, and for serving in several other roles that benefit SBSS members.
• For outstanding contributions to section over the past 11 years as an officer and host of the inaugural Bernard Harris Memorial Symposium.
Please submit the winners using the Outstanding Section Service Award Submission Form. The form requires an address for the winner and a citation. Please see the Past Winners for additional examples of citations. The deadline to submit is April 22.
Outstanding Section Service Award Submission Form.
The award certificates will be emailed before the JSM to the person who submitted the form, and the award will be presented to the recipients at section's business meeting at the JSM, and included in the JSM award booklet.
The following sections are eligible to present the award in 2023, 2026, 2029, 2032 and so on:
Government Statistics
Social Statistics
Survey Research Methods
Statistical Computing
Statistical Graphics
Defense and National Security
Statistics in Sports
Statistical Learning and Data Science
Lifetime Data Science
Text Analysis
The following sections are eligible to present the award in 2024, 2027, 2030, 2033 and so on:
Statistics in Epidemiology
Teaching Statistics in the Health Sciences
Health Policy Statistics
Statistics and the Environment
Nonparametric Statistics
Statistical Programmers and Analysts
Statistics in Imaging
Mental Health Statistics
Medical Devices and Diagnostics
Genomics and Genetics
The following sections are eligible to present the award in 2025, 2028, 2031, 2034 and so on:
Quality & Productivity
Physical & Engineering Sciences
Risk Analysis
Statistical and Data Science Education
Statistical Consulting
Bayesian Statistical Science
Business & Economic Statistics
Statistics in Marketing
Past Recipients of the Outstanding Section Service Awards