The Representative to the COS serves as a member of the Executive Committee. The Representative has duties and responsibilities to the Section and the ASA as prescribed by the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws.
COS Rotation Policy. The terms of office for COS Representatives, normally three years, are set to enable, insofar as possible, one-third of the Representatives to be serving the first year of their term, one-third to be serving the second year, and one-third to be serving the third year.
Changes in Representation. If the number of Representative slots for a Section is reduced, the Section shall decide (in accordance with its charter) which Representative’s term will end prematurely—that is, at the end of the current year. If the number of Representative slots is increased, the Section shall decide how to select an interim representative to serve until the position is filled through the next annual ASA election (or later, if a current slot is scheduled for re-election in the next year). The term of the first elected Representative will be three years.
Executive Duties. Additional responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following activities:
• Attends all meetings of the COS or asks the Section Chair/Executive Committee to appoint a proxy
• Transmits Section messages that are proposed by the Executive Committee, to the COS
• Represents the Section on matters before the COS
• Reports to the Section Executive Committee any COS activities that require action and reports back to COS with the Section's response to action items
• Attends all Section Executive Committee meetings and the Annual Business Meeting. May be appointed to the COS Nominations Committee by the COS Chair-Elect
• Presents a summary of COS activities during the year at the Annual Business Meeting
• Sends copies of Section-related correspondence to the Section Secretary
• Transmits to the incoming Representative any material which will ensure an orderly transition and provides assistance as appropriate