ASA Sections provide programs specific to their members’ interests.
Organize Sessions at JSM
Each section has a Program Chair who organizes Invited and Topic Contributed sessions at the Joint Statistical Meetings. These can be paper, poster, or panel sessions.
Organize Roundtable Discussions at JSM
These speaker-led, themed, discussions occur over a continental breakfast or lunch.
Organize Continuing Education (CE) Courses at JSM
Sections organize and submit course proposals for the CE program at JSM. These full and half-day short courses focus on the latest topics in statistical methodology.
Sponsor Conferences
Sections sponsor and help organize conferences and meetings. Examples include the SPES and Q&P’s Fall Technical Conference, the Biopharmaceutical Section Regulatory-Industry Statistics Workshop, the International Conference on Establishment Surveys, and more.
Sponsor Webinars
Section sponsored webinars provide cost-effective training to their members. Web-based training is becoming increasingly popular as a cost-effective alternative to live training courses. If your section is interested in beginning its own webinar program, more information can be found here.
Awards Programs
Sections offer awards programs such as student JSM travel awards, distinguished achievement awards, and JSM paper competitions to recognize achievement among the section ranks.
Section newsletters keep their members up-to-date on the latest happenings.