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  • 1.  Doug Zahn Memorial Session at JSM and Tribute

    Posted 16 hours ago

    Dear CNSL Members,

    As many of you know, longtime ASA Consulting Section member Doug Zahn passed away a little over a year ago.

    At JSM this year (during the meeting's very last session at 10:30AM on Thurs, Aug 8), we will be conducting a special Doug Zahn Memorial Session consisting of a panel and open discussion reflecting on Zahn's life and professional contributions.

    In conjunction with this session at JSM and a proposed ASA "Zahn Award" for advancing interpersonal excellence in statistics and data science, some of his former students and mentees are putting together opportunities for the statistics community to honor his life and legacy. If you knew Doug or have been influenced by his work, please consider the following:

    1. Submit a tribute video for the family and possible display at the JSM Panel: www.tribute.co/doug-zahn/
    2. Complete the 5-question survey for the JSM panelists: https://forms.gle/52LmWio1LQCYvDwWA
    3. Attend the Memorial Panel at JSM 2024 (Thurs, Aug 8, 10:30am, session #1382)

    If you have any questions, or feedback for the panel, please email dougzahntribute@gmail.com

    In Honor,

    Zahn Memorial Panel team

    ~Karen Kinard, Kim Love, Heather Smith, Eric Vance, Michiko Wolcott, Jason Wilson

    Eric Vance
    LISA, University of Colorado-Boulder
    Associate Professor and Director
    Boulder CO, United States

  • 2.  RE: Doug Zahn Memorial Session at JSM and Tribute

    Posted 13 hours ago

    Dear Memorial panel and all section members

    First, my sincerest thanks to the memorial panel for organizing this for Doug. Please permit me to give a brief refresher for those who may not recall Doug's important contributions about teaching tools such as "role play". Here is a link to a note I posted for the section in 2023. My note includes a link to a downloaded copy of  the index to  Doug's book "human side of consulting". 


    My hope while consulting section chair , I did as much as I could to encourage "role play" related sessions at the Portland  JSM. Now as past chair my hope is   encourage role play sessions, not only at Portland - also at future JSM's.  Going forward credit and thanks due to the section members who regularly use role play in the classroom and have given role play sessions at the JSM in the past.  I am absolutely certain role-play training is immensely useful for teaching statistics to statisticians.   The Zahn award will also help in encouraging future role play and related sessions.

    Finally and most importantly,  I encourage section members, please, to honor Doug at his memorial and to attend the panel in Portland. -chris

    Chris Barker, Ph.D.
    Past Chair
    Statistical Consulting Section
    Consultant and
    Adjunct Associate Professor of Biostatistics

    "In composition you have all the time you want to decide what to say in 15 seconds, in improvisation you have 15 seconds."
    -Steve Lacy