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Summary of Awards Offered
The Section on Statistical Consulting offers awards that foster and encourage a forum for the interchange of ideas and information on statistical consulting and the education of statistical consultants. Three of these awards are focused on the Joint Statistical Meetings as the primary means of exchange and education. The fourth award recognizes those members who help other individuals in their career and activities. And the fifth recognizes those members who have made meaningful contributions to the section.
- Best Topic-Contributed Session
- Best Student Contributed Poster
- Outstanding Service Award
There are restrictions for Executive Committee (EC) members because of the conflict of interest. Otherwise, any topic-contributed session, contributed paper in a session, or student contributed poster for which the Section on Statistical Consulting is the primary sponsor is eligible to receive a program award. Any non-EC member is eligible for the mentoring and service awards.
Best Topic-Contributed Session
A Best Topic-Contributed Session Award is given to the organizer of the best topic-contributed paper or panel session at JSM based on the submitted abstracts. The organizer will receive a $750 prize and an award certificate. The certificate will be given at the Section’s JSM Business Meeting.
After the submission deadline for topic-contributed sessions, the winner will be chosen by the EC based on the following criteria:
- appeal to members of the consulting section;
- potential for a high impact on the consulting and collaboration practices of the audience;
- logical flow, connection between topics, and overall message conveyed to the audience;
- captivating and well written abstract(s);
- inclusion of valuable techniques, methods, or skills the audience can put to use after they leave JSM.
Best Contributed Paper
A Best Contributed Paper Award (in a regular contributed paper session) of $500 prize and certificate will be given to the presenting author of the best contributed paper in a session at JSM.
EC members will attend the section’s contributed session(s) and vote for the best paper. The JSM app will also be used to allow Section members to cast their vote for the best contributed paper. The judging will be on dimensions similar to the following: Topic/Relevance, Influence, Delivery, Visual Material, and Engagement
If possible, the winner will be announced and the award presented at the Section’s JSM business meeting, which is usually Tuesday evening.
Best Student Contributed Poster
A Best Student Contributed Poster Award will be given to the winning presenting author as determined by the committee of EC judges. A $500 prize and certificate will be given to the presenting author at the JSM Business Meeting.
EC members will again attend the poster session(s) including the section’s contributed posters and vote for the best poster based on criteria similar to the Best Contributed Paper.
Outstanding Mentor Award
The Section has created an Outstanding Mentor Award for outstanding mentoring in statistical consulting and collaboration. For the Mentoring Award, our section is offering a $750 cash award. Note that this is not a JSM-specific award. Any non-EC member of the section can win this award. A certificate of congratulations will be given to the winner of the award.
Outstanding Service Award
Starting in 2019 the ASA initiated an Award for Outstanding Section Service to be given by each section once every three years. The award consists of a $750 cash award provided by the section and a certificate. Any non-EC member of the section can win this award and this is not a JSM-specific award. This award is given every three years.