
Welcome to the Council of Sections Website

The objective of the Council of Sections is to support the goals and interests of the Sections of the American Statistical Association, so far as these goals are consistent with those of the Association. The Council of Sections shall encourage the development of Sections, assist in the promotion of Section activities, foster member involvement in functions of the Association, and promote communication and cooperation among the Sections. Specific activities of the Council of Sections shall include, but not be limited to:

 1. Vitalizing Section activities through facilitating development of new Sections, assistance with Section activities, identification of potential joint activities among Sections, dissemination of information, and evaluation of dormant Sections.

 2. Arranging programs at the Association's annual meeting with approval of the Association's Program Committee.

 3. Assisting with the general promotion of the statistics profession.

 4. Facilitating communication between Sections and both the Association office and the Board of Directors to help the Association promote the interests of the Sections and the profession (or the Association) in general.

For more information, watch the "What is the Council of Sections?" video on the Section Officers Handbook page.


Section Chairs Meeting

February 23, 2024


Presentation slides

 List of officer positions for each section

Current Year's Deadlines

Jan 15 - Student paper award winners notified

Feb 4 - This year's JSM roundtable/luncheon with speaker submitted

Apr 5 - This year's JSM meetings and events requested

Apr 22 - Outstanding Section Service Awards submitted

Jun 1 - This year's JSM awards submitted

Aug 10 - Proposed Section dues changes requested

Sep 8 - Next year's JSM invited sessions submitted

Sep 30 - Next year's JSM continuing education proposals submitted

Oct 31 - Section budgets submitted

Nov 15 - Election slates submitted

Nov 15 - Student paper competitions close

Dec 10 - Next year's JSM topic contributed sessions submitted

Dec 31 - Charter revisions submitted

Dec 31 - Annual report/questionnaire submitted

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