Everyone is welcome at NC ASA events, but dues paying members enjoy reduced rates on NC ASA events, early sign-up privileges, NC ASA community privileges including website functionality and community boards, and receive the NC ASA notifications and newsletters with member news and information. Become an NC ASA member today to connect with the NC ASA community.
ASA member but new to NC ASA
Option 1: *NEW!* ASA offers adding Section and Chapter memberships online!Option 2: To add NC ASA membership to an existing membership via mail/fax, log-in on the main ASA membership page (https://www.amstat.org/myaccount) and click "Add Items to Membership". Mail-in / fax form and instructions are provided.
NC ASA add-on memberships are processed manually at ASA and may take a few weeks to become active. Please check our website in the interim for NC ASA news and events.
New ASA memberTo join ASA, go to: https://www.amstat.org/ASA/JoinRenew/JoinMemberTypeWhen setting up your membership, under "Select Chapters", click the box next to North Carolina Chapter.Renewing ASA member
Renewals: https://www.amstat.org/ASA/JoinRenew/JoinMemberTypeWhen renewing your membership, under "Select Chapters", click the box next to North Carolina Chapter.Any ASA membershipThe mail-in form: https://www.amstat.org/asa/files/pdfs/MBR-IndividualMembershipApplication.pdf
Lifetime ASA memberships are handled via ASA, not within NC ASA. Due to ASA records management, while Section memberships are automatically renewed for Lifetime ASA members, Chapter memberships are not. NC ASA does not have a way to track Lifetime ASA members who may be past or current NC ASA members.
-----------------------*By the NC ASA Constitution, all ASA members living in North Carolina are associate members of NC ASA. Regular dues paying members receive additional benefits.