2018 Fall Symposium and Annual Meeting

Event Info

The 2018 Fall Symposium and Annual Meeting was sponsored by the Nevada Chapter of the American Statistical Association
and the UNLV Department of Mathematical Sciences

Saturday, October 13, 2018, 9:00-3:00
UNLV Student Recreation and Wellness Center, Room 1010

Speakers and Titles

Statistical Issues in Evaluating Screening for Disease - Karen Kafadar, Dept of Stat, University of Virginia and ASA President-Elect

Uncertainty in Quantifying the Transcription of Repeat Elements in the Genome - Mira Han, School of Life Sciences, UNLV and NV Institute of Personalized Medicine

Statistical Research and Involvements in the UNLV School of Medicine - Chad Cross, School of Medicine, UNLV

Bayesian Variable Selection for Genome-Wide Association Studies - Benazir Rowe, UNLV Student

The Association Between High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein and Risk of Fracture: A Meta-Analysis - Bowen Liu, UNLV Student

The Practice of Ranked Set Sampling - Marvin Javier, UNLV Student

A Bayesian Self-Selection Method for Delineating White Fiber Tracts - Sharang Chaudhry, UNLV Student

Sparsity-based Estimation of Intravoxel Neural Architecture - Michael Schwob, UNLV Student


The Chapter Annual Meeting followed the talks and discussions.


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Keynote - Dr. Karen Kafadar

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Keynote - Dr. Karen Kafadar

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Audience enjoying the presentations

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Many students joined us for the event

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Student presentation

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Student presentation

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Student Attendees with Dr. Kafadar

Other Info