The planning and implementation of the annual Chapter program is so vital to a Chapter that it should be handled by a standing Program Committee. The members of this committee should be representative of the employment and geographic characteristics of the entire Chapter membership. This will facilitate the planning of programs which appeal to the diverse interests present in the Chapter.
At the beginning of each Chapter Year, the Program Committee should meet to explore program possibilities consistent with the Chapter's financial status and make program recommendations to the Executive Committee. Once the annual program has been approved, various members of the Program Committee assume the responsibility of making the program arrangements (contacting speakers, reserving a location, selecting menus, coordinating publicity, etc.). It is appropriate for the chair of the Program Committee to report to the Executive Committee regarding the success of each program event and to the general membership at the annual business meeting at the end of the Chapter Year.
The Program Committee should also consider taking surveys to determine the speakers and topics, types of programs, and meeting times and sites of interest to the Chapter membership. In particular, if one segment of the membership fails to attend Chapter programs or meetings, that segment should be contacted to determine a satisfactory program arrangement that would gain their attendance.
The tenure of the Program Committee will generally coincide with the Chapter year, but provision should be made for some continuity of leadership. Effective program planning will usually require planning beyond the tenure of the committee. Many Chapters are now using rotating assignments to be sure that some program planning expertise is always present.