This organization shall be known as the Nevada Chapter of the American Statistical Association.
The purpose of this Chapter is to be a state and local area leader in promoting all aspects of sound statistical science and practice, including the advancement of statistical education, professional practice, and research.
The Chapter shall sponsor educational, professional and scientific activities that benefit professional statisticians, students, and users of statistics. The Chapter shall promote effective unified action amongst all groups having an interest in or concern with statistics and probability. The Chapter shall foster communcation between the statistical community, other scientific organizations, and the media for the enlightenment of the general public and enhancement of the general welfare. The Chapter shall promote the proper aplication of statistics in all fields, shall work for the improvement of statistical education at all levels, and shall seek opportunities to advance the statistics profession and professional work opportunities.
Membership in the Chapter shall be by approval of the Chapter Executive Committee. This Committee may delegate this function of approval. All Chapter members may vote in Chapter elections. Chapter members may serve as Chapter Officers subject to the requirements set forth in Article IV below. The membership of the Chapter shall consist of three categories:
Regular Membership:
Open to persons who are members of the American Statistical Association, as defined in the constitution thereof.
Associate Membership:
Open to persons who, while not members of the National Association, are willing to support the purposes and objectives of this Chapter as set forth in Article II above.
Student Membership:
Open to persons who are full-time undergraduate or graduate students at a Nevada college or university. These members pay reduced Chapter dues.
The officers of the organization shall be a President, Past President, Northern Nevada Vice President, Southern Nevada Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chapter Representative to the ASA Council of Chapters. These officers shall serve as the Executive Committee of the Chapter. The officers shall be duly elected by a majority vote of the Chapter members casting mail ballots prior to the Annual meeting of the Chapter. The Executive Committee may appoint a Regular Member of the Chapter to fill any vacancy which occurs in an office between elections. All officers shall be regular members of the Nevada ASA Chapter, and the President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chapter Representative shall be full ASA members.
The duties of the officers are as follows:
The President shall preside over the Annual meeting, all other meetings of the Chapter, and meetings of the Executive Committee.
The Past President shall serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee.
One of the Vice Presidents shall preside in the absence of the President and shall serve as co-Chairs of the Arrangements and Program Committees. In the event of the resignation or incapacity of the President, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of the Vice Presidents to succeed to the Presidency.
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Annual Meeting and such other meetings as directed by the President, shall serve as Chair of the Membership Committee, and shall maintain correspondence between the Chapter membership and the American Statistical Association.
The Treasurer shall keep the roll of members of the Chapter, receive and disburse Chapter funds, and maintain records of Chapter finances.
The Chapter Representative to the ASA Council of Chapters shall represent the interests of the Chapter in the annual meetings of the Council of Chapters of the American Statistical Association and shall give an annual report on the activities of the Council and the Board of Directors of the American Statistical Association to the membership or the Chapter.
All officers shall serve 2-year terms, except the Chapter Representative who shall serve a 3-year term with the dates determined by the ASA Council of Chapters rotation pattern. The Secretary and Northern Nevada Vice-President shall be elected in odd numbered years and the Treasurer and Southern Nevada Vice-Presidents elected in even numbered years. The Nominating Committee shall annually select candidates for the positions scheduled for election that year. All officers except the President are eligible for renomination to the same position without limit. A ballot should be mailed to all members on the Chapter rolls at the time of the election. The election results shall be reported at the Annual Meeting.
Amendment: The President shall be elected in odd-numbered years.
Amendment: The President must serve a term as Past President before being eligible for renomination to the office of President.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers described in Article IV.
The committees of the Chapter shall consist of the five committees described below and of such special committees as may be appointed by the President. The President, in conjunction with each committee chair, shall also appoint members of each committee as needed. The five Standing Committees shall be:
Education - with the President as chair, to handle requests from outside groups for speakers on statistics and to supervise Chapter educational activities, including quantitative literacy efforts with private and public schools.
Membership - with the Secretary as chair, to encourage local individual memberships.
Nominating - with the Past President as chair, to present a list of nominees for all elective offices.
Program - with the Vice Presidents as co-chairs, to plan and schedule activities and speakers and arrange necessary reservations and arrangements.
Publicity - with the Chapter Representative as chair, to inform the American Statistical Association and the public of the significant activities of the Chapter. This committee shall oversee publication of the Chapter Newsletter and maintenance of the Chapter webpage.
The Representative to the Council of Chapters shall be a Regular Member of the Chapter. The Representative shall be elected every third year as part of the regular election held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. The name of the Representative shall be sent to the ASA office before December 31 of that year. The Representative shall serve the Chapter for a period of three years following the pattern prescribed by the Council of Chapters.
There shall be four or more regular meetings, including an Annual Meeting, each Chapter Year, with at least one of the four regular meetings held in Northern Nevada and at least one of the meetings held in Southern Nevada. The state-wide Annual Meeting shall be in October and shall be held in either Northern or Southern Nevada in alternating years proportional to Chapter membership. The Chapter Year shall run from January to December of each year.
Any changes in the amount of the annual Chapter dues, for regular, associate and student members, shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority of members voting at the Annual Meeting of the Chapter. Notice of the proposed dues changes shall have been sent to each member at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting. (A response by mail from a member shall be considered the same as the vote of a member attending the meeting.) The Executive Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the financial operations of the Chapter and for insuring the fiscal soundness of such operations.
The Constitution and By-Laws of the Chapter shall at all times be in harmony with the Constitution and By-Laws of the American Statistical Association and to this end, any and all applicable provisions of the Constitution of the American Statistical Association shall be considered a part of this Constitution. Any provisions of the this Constitution which may be in conflict, at present or in the future, with the Constitution of the American Statistical Association shall be null and void.
This Constitution may be amended by an affirmative 2/3 (two-thirds) vote of the voting Chapter members at any meeting, provided notices of such a meeting and the proposed amendment shall have been sent to each member at least two weeks prior to the date of such a meeting. (In the event of a mail ballot, the votes of the members responding shall be considered the same as the vote of a member voting at the meeting.)
Upon the dissolution of the Chapter, assets shall be distributed to the AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION, 1429 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or corresponding Section of any future Federal tax codes.