Program Chair

Reference point: You are Program Chair in year n

This table includes regular deadlines and tasks for the program chair, plus some information about what was done in the most recent year or years. It does not include special initiatives that the Section may undertake in a specific year.



March of Year n-2

The chair-elect of the section will appoint you as program chair-elect-elect. You should be able to attend the JSM meetings in years n-2, n-1 and n. You will be spending year n-1 organizing the program for the JSM in year n.

August of Year n-2

Although you are not formally a member of the Section’s Executive Committee at JSM in year n-2, you are strongly encouraged to participate in the Section’s Executive Committee meeting in year n-2 at the JSM and any other section activities that are appropriate.

Dec of Year n-2 to Jan of Year n-1

Organize roundtable discussions for the year n-1 program. Proposals are due in February of year n-1.

January of Year n-1

You are now Program Chair-Elect of the Section. You are a member of the Executive Committee. You will be planning the program for the JSM in Year n.

February of Year n-1

Travel award: Prepare an announcement for the Newsletter editor to put in the summer issue of The Statistical Consultant newsletter for JSM in Year n. Send this announcement to AmStat news for publication in the May issue.

March through May of Year n-1

Plan for the invited sessions for year n. Find out how many invited sessions the section has been allocated in recent years. Collect ideas for topics and speakers. When topics gel, begin to contact speakers. Also, plan other program elements for year n such as roundtables, lunch roundtables, invited poster sessions, etc. See whether ASA has any other program formats that might benefit the section. Find out from previous program chairs what seemed to work and what didn’t.

April of Year n-1

Travel Award: Post an announcement in the Section’s Web site. You might also send an announcement to the consulting email listserv.

June and July of Year n-1

Assemble your ideas for the program (invited sessions and other elements) to present to the Executive Committee and the general business meeting at the JSM meetings. Contact potential organizers of invited sessions. Some may contact you, but most likely you will have to take the initiative based on topics you think are important and timely. At the initial phase, you need to make clear that these are proposed sessions, and anyone who contacts a speaker should also make this clear. Much of the initial interactions with the JSM committee will be by email. By the time you arrive at the August meeting you should have well-defined sessions to propose. You do not need speaker confirmations at that time.

August of Year n-1

You should attend the Section’s committee meetings at the JSM (Executive Committee, general business meeting) as the program chair. You should also plan to attend the Program Committee Meeting with ASA staff to report on preliminary plans, to coordinate these plans with other sections, and to receive schedules and further instructions for next year’s meeting (Year n).

September 30 of Year n-1

Travel Award: Proposals are due. Review them and circulate them to the Executive Committee. Ask for a decision by October 15.

September of Year n-1

Ask session chairs to request invited speakers to enter abstracts through the ASA web pages by Oct 15. These may be revised any time until May of year n.*

September through November of Year n-1

Secure final commitments from organizers on invited program topics and participants.*

October 31 of Year n-1

Travel Award: Identify the winner(s). Notify them and let them know what they need to do and by when. They need to line up their speakers and submit to the February 1 ASA abstract deadline. They should also inform you as soon as possible if their plans change. They should also plan to attend the Section’s general business meeting at the JSM of Year n so they may receive their award and plaque.

December of Year n-1

Send preliminary invited session descriptions to the ASA Program Chair.

January of Year n

You are now Program Chair of the Section. ASA has a Program Committee in January that you will attend [?] [where?].

February of Year n

Send final version of invited program session description to ASA Program Chair and to the ASA office. Complete plans for roundtables and other program elements.

March of Year n

The ASA office receives contributed abstracts. You will organize the regular contributed papers, special contributed papers, poster contributed papers, etc. for the Section. You will then send this program to the ASA office.

April of Year n

Review the preliminary printed program sent by the ASA office before publication in AmStat News.

June and July of Year n

Receive and review invited and contributed papers from authors. Report any omissions, withdrawals or irregularities to the ASA Program Chair and to the ASA office.

August of Year n

Attend JSM. Review audiovisual needs and rooms well before each session. Visit each session, prepared to assist as the need arises. Attend the Executive Committee Meeting and the Section Annual Business Meeting. Report on the year’s activities, including estimates of attendance at each Section session. Collect your accolades for a job well done!

*Beware of the "one-speaker rule." Each person can stand up and give a presentation at most once. For example, an invited speaker cannot also be a discussant or contributed speaker in another session. You will need to make your session chairs aware of this rule.