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  • 1.  Upcoming Webinar: Finding Customers for Your Consulting Business

    Posted 04-24-2024 17:29
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    Dear ASA CNSL Section Members,

    We are excited to invite you to an upcoming webinar presented by the ASA Statistical Consulting Section. Please find the details below:

    • Title: Finding Customers for Your Consulting Business
    • Presenter: Steve Simon, Ph.D.
    • Date & Time: May 02, 2024, at 12pm ET
    • Registration Link: Click here to register


    You are starting a new career as an independent statistical consultant. Congratulations! One of your early concerns will be how to find paying customers. Here are some strategies. 1. Use word of mouth, one person telling another person about who you are and what you do. You can do this with friends, family, and professional colleagues. You can use a current customer to help you find new customers. I will explain how to do this carefully, so you don't get labeled a pest (or worse, a spammer). 2. Give away free samples of your work. Write about things that illustrate your knowledge and experience. In addition to traditional writing avenues, consider a blog post or an email newsletter. I will provide guidance on how to do this effectively without spending an inordinate amount of your time. 3. Consider volunteering. There are many opportunities where you can help out in a way gets you known by others, both direct customers and people who can refer customers to you. I will discuss some of the more helpful volunteer choices that maximize your visibility and credibility. 4. Recognize that not everyone will find you by email. I will discuss some of the alternative channels of communications that your customers might use. 5. Most importantly, turn all of these efforts into regular work habits. Pacing is important. Don't do a flurry of work and then burn out.

    About the Presenter: 

    Steve Simon received a Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Iowa in 1982. He currently runs a small consulting business, P.Mean Consulting, as a sole proprietorship. He is also a faculty member in the Department of Biomedical and Health Informatics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He has over 100 peer-reviewed publications, four of which have won major awards. He has written one book, Statistical Evidence in Medical Trials, and a book chapter, R for Big Data Analysis, in Big Data Analysis for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Discoveries. He is the author of a major website and blog about Statistics, Research Design, and Evidence Based Medicine, with well over 2,000 pages. It is currently being consolidated under a uniform format using blogdown. He is president of the Kansas City R Users Group and is looking for speakers for future Zoom meetings. His current research interests include using Bayesian models to forecast patient accrual in clinical trials and examining data sharing practices in peer-reviewed articles.

    We look forward to your participation in this enlightening session aimed at equipping statistical consultants with tools and strategies for business growth.

    Warm regards,

    Ryan Peterson
    ASA CNSL Section Activity Coordinator
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Biostatistics and Informatics
    Colorado School of Public Health
    University of Colorado - Anschutz Medical Campus


    simon-flyer.pdf   79 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: Upcoming Webinar: Finding Customers for Your Consulting Business

    Posted 05-14-2024 00:03


    The webinar recording is now available on the Section's YouTube Channel! Listen in for some great advice on private statistical consulting from Steve Simon.


    Andrea Mack