Biopharmaceutical Industry Information Session
Date/Time: Friday, April 27th, 2018, 3:30-5:00 pm, followed by a mixer.
Location: Room 152, Duquès Hall (2201 G St NW, Washington, DC 20052),
then (mixer) Room 771, Rome Hall (801 22nd St NW, Washington, DC 20052).
Speaker: Dr Kannan Natarajan, Head of Global Biometrics and Data Management, Global Products Development, Pfizer Inc.
Consulting Info. Session
Date/Time: Friday, April 20th, 3:00-5:30 PM.
Location: Room 359, DUQUES HALL (2201 G St NW)
Agenda: 3:00-3:30PM Arrival/Check-In
3:30-5:00PM Presentations
Darryl Creel: Statistician at RTI.
Dr. Gonzalo Rivero: Senior Statistician at WESTAT.
Dr. Ronaldo Iachan: Technical Director at ICF International Inc
Wagner Christine: Research Manager at MCKINLEY-ADVISOR.
5:00-5:30PM Q&A
US Workplace Culture and Etiquette Workshop
Date/Time: Saturday, 7 April, 2:00-3:30 pm
Location: Room 111 Phillips Hall (801 22 St NW)
Speakers: Tommye Lynn Grant
Winting Shi
Abdul Rashid
Alumni Career Panel
Date/Time: Saturday, March 22th, 3:00-5:30 PM.
Location: Room 103, Funger Hall (2201 G St NW);
Agenda: 3:00-3:15PM Arrival/Check-In
3:15-5:00PM Panel/Presentations
Cheung Li: Biostatistician at National Cancer Institute
Wayne Woo: Expert Biostatistician at GSK vaccines
Guoxi Yan: Product Release Manager at ASEE
Yuqing Lu: Financial Analysist at Kaiser Permanent
Haijun Wang: Data Analysist at Arkansas Children’s Hospital
5:00-5:30PM Q&A/ Networking
Workshop for PhD Application
DATE AND TIME: Friday, October 27 th , 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
SPEAKERS: Professor Tapan K. Nayak: Professor of Statistics, GWU Statistics Department
Area of Expertise: Inference, Prediction, Software Reliability, Randomized Response
Design, Disclosure Avoidance
Professor Hosam M. Mahmoud: Professor of Statistics, GWU Statistics Department
Area of Expertise: Probabilistic analysis of algorithms, Random discrete structure.
Professor Emre Barut: Assistant Professor, GWU Statistics Department
Area of Expertise: High Dimensional Statistics, Variable Selection, Robust Statistics,
Professor Ravi Kalpathy: Clinical Assistant Professor, Catholic University of America
Area of Expertise: Probabilistic analysis of algorithms, Applied probability
PhD Candidate Fan Wang: Fourth year PhD candidate, GWU Statistics Department
Residual Analysis Seminar
DATE AND TIME: Wednesday, November 15th, 2017, 4:00-5:00 pm.
LOCATION: Media & Public Affairs Building, Room B07 (805 21st St NW, Washington, DC, 20052)
SPEAKERS: Mike Jadoo :Co-organizer of Statistical Seminars in Meetup
and working in Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Zekai Chen : VP of GWU ASA Student Chapter and a 2nd year graduate student at GWU.
Bo Ye : VP of GWU ASA Student Chapter and a 2nd year graduate student at GWU.