Upcoming Events

Graduate student seminar

Introduction: The Grad Seminar is a presentation series arranged by and for graduate students at GW, where students will take turns to deliver talks. These talks may cover a broad spectrum of subjects (For example, some case study in a book) and are not necessarily limited to one’s own research. Also, the topic is not constrained to methodology research, it could also be interesting applications. This seminar seeks to foster a casual environment in which graduate students can acquire skills in delivering technical presentations and get exposed to new challenges in statistics/mathematics. 

Time: Biweekly Friday 4-5pm.

Location: Rome Hall 771.

Speakers: Mostly Ph.D. students from Statistics/biostatistics/mathematics department. Self-recommendations are also encouraged (please contact zexin.ren@gwu.edu).

Attendance: Attendance is not mandatory; you can choose to come if you are interested.

Asymptotic statistics reading group 

Introduction: Asymptotic statistics is one of the most frequently implemented tools in modern statistical research. It is a framework for assessing properties of estimators and statistical tests assuming that the sample size n may grow indefinitely. We will be holding a reading group discussing and learning this topic. The covered topics will include some probability theory, central limit theorems, M-estimation, U-statistics and hopefully some empirical process techniques.

Time: Weekly, Tuesday 1:45-3pm.

Location: Rome Hall 771.

Speakers: Students from Reading group.

Attendance: Attendance is mandatory if you are the presenter.

Contact: zixuan.zhao@gwu.edu