5th Analytics without Borders Conference on February 28 and 29
You are invited to the 5th Analytics without Borders conference on February 28th and 29th (Friday and Saturday), 2020 at Tufts University. This conference is a forum for all ways of analytics life to present and discuss analytics work, be it from corporate institutions, academia, government organizations etc. All groups will be able to interact with each other and thus build bridges between the different analytics constituencies. Topics are broad in analytics, including applied statistics, optimization, data science, etc. Anyone who does anything with data is warmly invited to present their work. Sessions will include a blend of corporate, academic and government researchers and practitioners.
Abstract submission is still open. The due day is Feb 14th, 2020. Registration is open now.
Please visit the conference website for abstract submission, registration and more details at https://www.bentley.edu/academics/analytics-without-borders
“Data Tripper: Distinguishing Authorship of Beatles Songs Through Data Science” Evening Presentation on April 7
Speaker: Dr. Mark Glickman, Department of Statistics, Harvard University
Date and Time: April 7, 2020. Dinner and election: 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm; Presentation: 7:00 pm
Location: Science Center, Harvard University, 1 Oxford St, Cambridge MA 02138. The dinner and election will be on the 7th floor, and the presentation will be in Hall D on the 1st floor.
Cost and Registration: The presentation is free and open to the public. The cost of dinner is $5 for students and $10 for regular chapter members. Dinner reservations are requested by April 1 at https://bcasa2020beatles.eventbrite.com. The space for dinner is limited so please sign up early.
Note: The election of new chapter officers for 2021-2022 will take place on the 7th floor right after dinner.
The songwriting duo of John Lennon and Paul McCartney, the two founding members of the Beatles, have composed some of the most popular and memorable songs of the last century. Despite having authored songs under the joint credit agreement of Lennon-McCartney, it is well-documented that most of their songs or portions of songs were primarily written by exactly one of the two. Some Lennon-McCartney songs, such as "In My Life", are actually of disputed authorship - both Lennon and McCartney individually remembered having written the music. We developed a prediction model on the 70 Lennon-McCartney songs or song portions of known authorship based on variable screening followed by logistic regression with elastic net regularization. The results of our modeling were applied to songs and song portions with unknown or disputed authorship.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Mark Glickman, a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, is Senior Lecturer on Statistics at the Harvard University Department of Statistics, and Senior Statistician at the Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research, a Veterans Administration Center of Innovation. He serves as an elected member of the American Statistical Association's Board of Directors as representative of the Council of Sections Governing Board. His research interests are primarily in the areas of statistical models for rating competitors in games and sports, and in statistical methods applied to problems in health services research.
Statistics meets CSI: The Critical Role of Statistics in Evaluating Forensic Evidence on April 17th
Speaker: Dr. Karen Kafadar, Chair & Commonwealth Professor, Dept of Statistics, University of Virginia, 2019 President, American Statistical Association
Date and Time: April 17, 2020. Talk at 4:15pm, reception from 5:45-7:00pm
Location: Smith College McConnell Hall room 103 (reception in the McConnell Foyer)
Cost and Registration: The presentation and reception are free and open to the public. The reception will also honor retiring Smith College Professor Katherine Halvorsen. Both events are sponsored by the Smith College Program in Statistical and Data Science and the Five College Statistics Program.
"CSI" portrays inferences from forensic evidence as highly reliable, as convincing for convictions and exclusions as forensic DNA. Are results from fingerprint analyses, bullet and toolmark identifications, and bite marks as trustworthy? Have statisticians been involved in developing procedures for analyzing data from forensic evidence and designing validation studies, as they have in many areas of science, including chemistry (chemometrics), biology (genomics), medicine (clinical trials), and agriculture (crop yields)? Surprisingly, the involvement of statistics in forensic science has not been nearly as extensive, given its importance of (ensuring proper administration of justice) and the value it has demonstrated thus far (e.g., forensic DNA, assessment of bullet lead evidence, significance of findings in the U.S. anthrax investigations, reliability of eyewitness identification). In this talk, I will provide three examples where statistics played a vital role in evaluating forensic evidence. I then will discuss how statisticians can enhance its involvement with the ultimate goal of strengthening forensic science to achieve its mission: reducing error rates (false positives and false negatives) and raising the level of confidence in the criminal justice system.
Speaker Bio:
Karen Kafadar received her B.S. in Math and M.S. in Statistics from Stanford, and her Ph.D. in Statistics from Princeton University under John Tukey. She previously held positions at National Institute of Standards & Technology’s at NIST’s Statistical Engineering Division, Hewlett Packard’s RF/Microwave Division, National Cancer Institute, and University of Colorado-Denver. Her research focuses on robust methods, exploratory data analysis, and statistical methods for problems in the physical, chemical, biological, and engineering sciences, as well as methodology for randomized cancer screening trials. She received ASQ’s William G. Hunter Award in 2002 and ASA’s Outstanding Statistical Applications Award (1995), is past Editor of JASA Reviews and Technometrics, and now is Editor-in-Chief for The Annals of Applied Statistics. She has served on several National Academy of Sciences’ Committees, including those that led to the reports “Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward” (2009), “Review of the Scientific Approaches Used During the FBI’s Investigation of the Anthrax Letters” (2011), and “Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification” (2014). She is a Fellow of ASA, AAAS, and ISI, has authored numerous publications and advised many students, and, as 2019 ASA President, has had the great pleasure of serving on ASA’s Board of Directors with Katherine Halvorsen.
Student Research Symposium in Statistics and Data Science on April 25th
Date: April 25, 2020
Location: Boston University, Charles River Campus (close to the Boston University East stop of the green B-line)
Registration and abstract submission: Open in February
The Boston Chapter of the ASA, in collaboration with the Boston University Student Chapter, is organizing a Student Research Symposium in Statistics and Data Science at Boston University on April 25. The goal of the event is to create an opportunity for students in the Boston area to meet peers from other institutions, and to share research interests and career plans. In addition to a keynote speaker, the event will include ample opportunities for oral and poster presentations in all areas of research involving statistics, biostatistics, and data science. Whether you are a current graduate student interested in presenting your research, or an undergraduate student curious about graduate programs, please consider joining us for a day of presentations on the exciting work being conducted by students in the greater Boston area! For general inquiries, please contact bostonSRS2020@gmail.com.
May Institute on Computation and Statistics for Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics
Date: April 27 – May 8, 2020
Location: Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Organizers: Meena Choi and Olga Vitek
Website: https://computationalproteomics.khoury.northeastern.edu/
The May Institute focuses on computational and statistical aspects of quantitative mass spectrometrybased proteomics. The course combines keynote presentations, introductory lectures, practical training, and informal personal discussions.
Instructors of the course are leading experts, who contributed numerous experimental and computational methods and software. The target audience are both beginners and experienced scientists, who would like to strengthen their computational and statistical expertise. We also welcome computer scientists, bioinformaticians, data scientists, statisticians and engineers interested in learning about working with data from modern biotechnologies.
New this year is a "Future developers workshop", a 2-day program that brings together developers (and aspiring developers) of R/Bioconductor-based tools for mass spectrometry and proteomics. We invite you to submit an abstract and present your research at the workshop.
Program Overview:
• April 27 – April 29, 2020: Targeted proteomics with Skyline
• April 27 – April 29, 2020: Proteomics and metabolomics with OpenMS
• April 29 – May 1, 2020: Beginner’s statistics in R
• April 29 – May 1, 2020: Intermediate R and data visualization
• May 2-3, 2020: Future Developers Meeting
• May 4-6, 2020: Statistics for quantitative mass spectrometry
• May 6, 2020: Scientific writing
• May 6-8, 2020 : Capstone – case studies in data-independent acquisition (DIA)
Tuition fee waivers and travel fellowships will be available for students and postdocs affiliated with academic institutions in the US. Accepted presenters at the Future developers meeting will have a free admission to this part of the program.
More information is at https://computationalproteomics.khoury.northeastern.edu/
Fourth Annual Boston Pharmaceutical Symposium on May 8
The Boston Chapter of the American Statistical Association (BCASA) is planning for the Fourth Annual Boston Pharmaceutical Symposium to be held in May 8, 2020 at Pfizer, Kendall Sq, Cambridge, MA. Fourth Annual Boston Pharmaceutical Symposium will be a full-day event, featuring a series of invited talks and networking opportunities. Please contact Dr. Olga Vitek via o.vitek@northeastern.edu for general inquiries.
Date: Friday May 8, 2020.
Symposium location: Pfizer, Kendall Sq, 610 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02139
Registration: Registration will open in February
Support the Fourth Annual Boston Pharmaceutical Symposium! We welcome sponsors to join us at this unique venue for sharing statistical applications and research in the biotech-pharma industry, and building connections among all colleagues of the Greater Boston area engaged in the industry statistical practice. As a sponsor, you will receive recognition for your support.
Please contact Dr. Olga Vitek via o.vitek@northeastern.edu for general inquiries.