
Welcome to the Home of the Boston Chapter

of the American Statistical Association

Proudly serving statisticians from
Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont

The Boston Chapter is a community of individuals interested in statistics and data science. One of the largest and most active Chapters within the American Statistical Association, it brings together members with diverse backgrounds, education and professional occupation in academia, industry and beyond. We host events approximately once a month except in the summer. The program includes symposia related to practice of statistical science, evening lectures, short courses, awards dinners, and social events.

Please take a look at our newsletter, follow the Twitter account and join the LinkedIn to stay up to date with the events.

We welcome new members! Regardless of your geographic location, ASA membership and occupation, please consider joining our dynamic group.  If you are ASA member, you can add Chapter membership directly to your annual ASA member renewal. We also welcome proposals of new events, and volunteers interested in leading various Chapter responsibilities. Further updates about the program will be posted under Upcoming Events as they become available.  Please contact the Chapter President Jianchang Lin (Jianchang.LinATTakeda.com) with suggestions. We look forward to seeing you soon.