


Approved: May 17, 2011



This organization shall be known as the Boston Chapter of the American Statistical Association (BCASA).


ARTICLE II – Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be to foster in the broadest manner statistics and its application, and to promote unity and effectiveness of effort among all groups in the area having an interest in or being concerned with statistical problems.


ARTICLE III – Membership

The membership of this organization shall consist of two classes:

  1. Regular Members: Persons admitted to membership who hold Full membership in the American Statistical Association.
  2. Associate Members: Persons interested in statistics in general or the organization in particular, but are not also members of the American Statistical Association.


ARTICLE IV – Officers

The officers of the organization shall be a President, Program Chair, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Representative to the Association’s Council of Chapters, Webmaster, Newsletter Editor, and Past President. The President, Secretary, Council Representative, and Treasurer shall be regular members. The officers shall be duly elected by members of the chapter during the annual meeting except that the Executive Committee shall fill any vacancy in any office which may occur between the elections.


ARTICLE V – Terms of Office

All officers, except the Council Representative, shall serve two-year terms. The President, Program Chair, Webmaster, and Newsletter Editor shall be elected in even years. The Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall be elected in odd years. The Council Representative shall serve a three-year term with the dates determined by the ASA Council of Chapters rotation pattern.

ARTICLE VI – Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers mentioned in Article IV and the chair of each of the standing committees. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held whenever called by the President or requested by a majority of the Committee members.


ARTICLE VII – Standing Committees

The committees of the organization shall consist of the standing committees mentioned below and of such special committees as may be appointed by the President. Members of the standing committees shall be appointed by the President and shall serve until their successors are appointed. The standing committees shall be a Planning Committee, a Nomination Committee, a Membership Committee, an Education Committee, a Mu Sigma Rho Nomination Committee, and a Newsletter Committee.



There shall be six or more regular meetings in one year, including an annual meeting, during which election of officers shall be held. The chapter year shall run from January through December of each year. The date of the annual meeting shall be set by the Executive Committee.


ARTICLE IX – Finance

The amount of the annual Chapter dues, for regular and associate members, shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority of members voting at the next meeting of this organization. The proposed dues changes shall have been sent to each regular and associate member at least two weeks prior to the date of this meeting.

Each time a new Treasurer takes office, the President shall appoint at least two persons who shall audit the outgoing Treasurer’s records. In addition, an audit shall be performed whenever a Treasurer is reelected and three years or more have elapsed since the last audit. The appointed auditors shall submit a written report of their findings to the membership by the second regular meeting after their appointment.


ARTICLE X – ASA Constitution and By-Laws

Any and all provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws of the American Statistical Association shall be considered included herein for use where applicable and necessary.


ARTICLE XI – Amendments

This Constitution may be amended by an affirmative 2/3 (two thirds) vote of the chapter members present at any meeting of this organization, provided notices of such meeting and of the proposed amendment shall have been sent to each voting member at least two weeks before the date of the meeting in which the proposed amendment is to be voted upon.

ARTICLE XII – Dissolution

Upon the dissolution of the Chapter, assets shall be distributed to the American Statistical Association Headquarters, currently located in Alexandria, Virginia, for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code.