Petition Text Version

Original Petition

Statistical Computing is growing rapidly. There is no basis in the Association for encouraging, organizing and integrating these activities into the Association. The section would also serve as a resource group and as liaison to computing societies.

If you are in favor of a section being organized for this purpose, please sign below.

Joseph J. Ahmid
Gary Anderson - McMaster University
Edwin N. Asinaw
E. L. Battiste, IMSL - Houston, Texas
Albert E. Beaton
Jack Bishop, Jr. - Dow Corning
C. A. Blackwood
J. Byers - Com-Share
R. L. Chamberlain - Iowa State
John M. Chambers
A. K. Chattopadhyay - Purdue University
Y. Chen
Eugene B. Cohen
Jeanne Copp
J. I. Daly - Census
Oswald G. Dehissen
George Dumberger
W. J. Dixon - UCLA
Daniel Driscoll - Corland State - NY
D. M, Dunn
Charles W. Dunnett
R. M. Elashoff
Richard R. Fabsitz
Nader Ferzany - UNC
Alan Forsythe - UCLA
Sister Ignatia Frye - Marygrove College
Charles E. Gates - Texas A & M
W. Morven Gentleman - University of Waterloo
Ram Ganadesikan
Arnold Goodman - MacDonnell Douglas - Astronautics Co.
Harold Grossman
Donald Guthrie
Shelby J. Haberman
R. C. Hanumara
J. A. Hartigan
Ted Hosford
Martin A. James
Emil H. Jebe
Tim J. Jurt
Leo Katz
William J. Kennedy - ISU
P. S. Lachenbruch
G. Nicholas Lauer - Iowa State
K. L. Lee
Harry D. Levine
Robert F. Ling
James W. Longley - BLS
Ladd M. Linden
Richard Madsen
Nancy R. Mann - Rocketdyne
Etan Markowitz
G. Marsaglia
Joan E. Mayer
Bruce J. McDonald - ONR
Duane Meeter - JSE
John Meyer
Frederick Mosteller
Peter Nemenyi - Virginia State College - Petersburg, Va.
M. G. Ott
Robert E. Pearson, Jr.
Terry Pepe
Andres Petrasovits
George Sadowsky - Urban Institute
Krishna Sammeta - G. D. Searle & Co.
Martin Schatzoff
S. R. Searle - Cornell University
Jolayne Service
Elizabeth Shuhany
S. S. Swaminattie
Nancy A. Symons
Elliot Tanis - Hope College
M. Tarter - UC Berkeley
James R. Thompson - Rice University
Norman R. Thompson
Betty Ullman
Anne Van Wagoner - Com-Share
Roy H. Wampler - NES
Martin C. Weinrich
E. N. West - University of Alberta
Max A. Woodbury
Douglas A. Zahn