Official Approval: Eisenhart Letter (to Wilfrid J. Dixon)
From: Churchill Eisenhart, President
By vote of the membership, a new ASA Section on Statistical Computing has been established effective January 1, 1972. More than 1400 members of ASA voted for the establishment of the Section, which thus becomes the successor to the Committee on Computers in Statistics.
Will Dixon has agreed to be 1972 Chairman of the Section and Alan Forsythe will be Secretary. Art Dempster is the 1972 Program Chairman for the Section for the organization of sessions at the Annual Meetings, August 1972 in Montreal. If you have any suggestions for topics for these sessions, please write to Art Dempster at the Statistics Dept., Harvard Univ., 2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02138.
On behalf of the Association, thank you for your service on the Committee and your leadership in providing the establishment of the new Section.