Journals & Publications

  • This is a listing of journals and publications that publish articles related to our field of study.


  • Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports
    From the Aims & Scope section:
    The Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports (JQAS), an official journal of the American Statistical Association, publishes timely, high-quality peer-reviewed research on the quantitative aspects of professional and amateur sports, including collegiate and Olympic competition. The scope of application reflects the increasing demand for novel methods to analyze and understand data in the growing field of sports analytics. Articles come from a wide variety of sports and diverse perspectives, and address topics such as game outcome models, measurement and evaluation of player performance, tournament structure, analysis of rules and adjudication, within-game strategy, analysis of sporting technologies, and player and team ranking methods. JQAS seeks to publish manuscripts that demonstrate original ways of approaching problems, develop cutting edge methods, and apply innovative thinking to solve difficult challenges in sports contexts. JQAS brings together researchers from various disciplines, including statistics, operations research, machine learning, scientific computing, econometrics, and sports management.

If you are an SIS member, you can access JQAS journal articles through the following process:  (1) Go through the login process on, (2) click on your profile and then on "Subscriptions", (3) click on the Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports link in the dropdown menu, and (4) click on the "Access JQAS" button.

  • Journal of Sports Analytics
    From the Aims & Scope section:
    The Journal of Sports Analytics (JSA) aims to be the central forum for the discussion of practical applications of sports analytics research, serving team owners, general managers, coaches, fans, and academics. We invite analytical research on any single sport or across sports that seeks to improve our understanding of the game or strategies for improving a team or a league.
  • International Journal of Computer Science in Sport
    From the Aims & Scope section:
    The International Journal of Computer Science in Sport (IJCSS) is published in association with the International Association of Computer Science in Sport (IACSS). It is a refereed electronic journal. Research results with an emphasis on the following topics regarding the application of Computer Science and Mathematics in supporting the development of theory and practice in sport are considered: Modelling (mathematical, informatics, biomechanical, physiological) Computer aided applications (software, hardware) Data acquisition and processing Data Bases Simulation (interactive, animation, etc.) Development of theories Multimedia / Internet Presentation Education
  • Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
    The Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (JSSM) is a non-profit making scientific electronic journal, publishing research and review articles, together with case studies, in the fields of sports medicine and the exercise sciences.
  • International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering
    (S-SCI) is a multidisciplinary journal, mainly publishes original research and applied papers on sport science and sports engineering, including the application of system science and system engineering, mathematics and statistics, computer and information, mechanics and physics, material and textiles, operation research and management, modelling and simulation, medicine and biology, measurement and design, electric and machine engineering, etc. for sports, physical education, exercise, game and human movement.


  • Anthology of Statistics in Sports
    This manuscript is a collection of previously published articles on the use of statistics to analyze sports which the editors have culled from a variety of American Statistical Association publications.

  • Handbook of Statistical Methods and Analyses in Sports
    From the Description section:
    This handbook will provide both overviews of statistical methods in sports and in-depth treatment of critical problems and challenges confronting statistical research in sports. The material in the handbook will be organized by major sport (baseball, football, hockey, basketball, and soccer) followed by a section on other sports and general statistical design and analysis issues that are common to all sports. This handbook has the potential to become the standard reference for obtaining the necessary background to conduct serious statistical analyses for sports applications and to appreciate scholarly work in this expanding area.

  • The Oxford Anthology of Statistics in Sports
    From the Description section:
    A collection of a wide range of research papers on applications of statistics to various sports from journals published by the American Statistical Association and the Royal Statistical Society from 2000 through 2004. The anthology is divided into eight sections (Baseball, Cricket, Football, Golf, Olympics/Track & Field, Soccer, Other Sports, and Miscellaneous), each comprising several research articles on applications of statistics to the corresponding sport written by leading researchers, and each featuring an original introduction written by a leading researcher on the application of statistics to the corresponding sport.