The 2018 recipient of the Distinguished Achievement Award of the American Statistical Association Section on Statistics in Defense and National Security (SDNS) is Alyson Wilson. The awards committee recognized Alyson for her key roles at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Institute of Defense Analyses, both vital components of our national defense program, as well as her accomplishments and leadership as the academic director of the Laboratory for Analytical Sciences, a partnership between the National Security Agency and a variety of academic institutions, chiefly North Carolina State University. In addition, the award acknowledges Alyson's service to SDNS in numerous roles, including most notably as its chair in 2007, and her research in Bayesian reliability that was largely motivated by important defense applications. As one nominator said, "in terms of her career, her research, her service, and her leadership, I know of no one better qualified to receive this recognition."
Dr. Alyson Wilson is a Professor in the Department of Statistics and Principal Investigator for the Laboratory for Analytic Sciences at North Carolina State University. She is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Her research interests include statistical reliability, Bayesian methods, and the application of statistics to problems in defense and national security. She is the coordinator of NCSU's Data-Driven Science cluster, which focuses on the development of interdisciplinary collaborations between statistics, mathematics, and computer science to develop leadership in data science.
Prior to joining NCSU, Dr. Wilson was a Research Staff Member at the IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute in Washington, DC (2011-2013), where she helped provide research support to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Before her move to Washington, Dr. Wilson was an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics at Iowa State University (2008-2011). From 1999-2008, she was a Project Leader and Technical Lead for Department of Defense Programs in the Statistical Sciences Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory. In this role, she developed and led a portfolio of work in the application of statistics to the reliability of conventional and nuclear weapons. Dr. Wilson continues her collaboration with Los Alamos as a Guest Scientist..
Prior to her move to Los Alamos, Dr. Wilson was a senior statistician and operations research analyst with Cowboy Programming Resources (1995-1999), where she planned, executed, and analyzed U. S. Army air defense artillery operational evaluations. From 1990-1991, she was a mathematical statistician at the National Institutes of Health.
Wilson has served on numerous national panels, including the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Committee on Integrating Humans, Machines, and Networks (2012-2014), the NAS Committee on Mathematical Foundations of Validation, Verification, and Uncertainty Quantification (2010-2011), the NAS Committees (Phase 1-3) to Review the Testing of Body Armor Materials by the U.S. Army (2009-2011), the NAS Oversight Committee for the Workshop on Industrial Methods for the Effective Test and Development of Defense Systems (2008-2009), the NAS Panel on Methodological Improvement to the Department of Homeland Security's Biological Agent Risk Analysis (2006-2008), and the NAS Panel on the Operational Test Design and Evaluation of the Interim Armored Vehicle (2002-2003). She is a member of the Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE/OS) Applied Mathematics Program Committee of Visitors (2013) and the Sandia National Laboratories Predictive Engineering Science Panel (2008-present).
Dr. Wilson is an elected member of the International Statistical Institute and a member of the NCSU Research Leadership Academy. She is the former Reviews Editor for the Journal of the American Statistical Association and the American Statistician and an Associate Editor for the Journal of Uncertainty Quantification. She is the winner of the American Statistical Association Section on Statistics in Defense and National Security Distinguished Achievement Award (2018), NCSU Alumni Association Outstanding Research Award (2017), the Army Wilks Award (2015), the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Director's Distinguished Performance Award (2008), the LANL Star Award (2008), the DOE Defense Programs Award of Excellence (2007), and the LANL Achievement Award (2000, 2005). She is a founder and past-chair of the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics in Defense and National Security.
In addition to numerous publications, Dr. Wilson has co-authored a book, Bayesian Reliability, and has co-edited two other books, Statistical Methods in Counterterrorism: Game Theory, Modeling, Syndromic Surveillance, and Biometric Authentication and Modern Statistical and Mathematical Methods in Reliability. She holds a patent for her early work in medical imaging. Dr. Wilson received her Ph.D. in Statistics from Duke University, her M.S. in Statistics from Carnegie-Mellon University, and her B.A. in Mathematical Sciences from Rice University.