2/22/2025 We will be co-sponsoring a full day training workshop on "A Deep Dive into Git" (& Github) organized by Villanova University's Graduate Program in Applied Statistics and Data Science. Please contract Dr. Paul Bernhardt for more info and to register.
3/18/2025 We will be sponsoring Montgomery County Science Fairs. Please contract Dr. Paul Bernhardt if you are interested in serving as a judge.
3/28-30/2025 We will be co-sponsoring 2025 DataFest Philly in Villanova University. The registration is open now! Please contract Dr. Michael Posner if you are interested in serving as judges and/or consultants.
4/02/2025 We will continue to sponsor Delaware Valley Science Fairs (DVSF), one of the largest science fairs for middle to high school students in the region. We will need volunteer to judge student project poster for ASA Special Awards on Wednesday, April 2nd, 2005, at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, PA. Please contact us if you are interested.
8/12-15/2025 We are happy to be a co-sponsor of The 13th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP–2025) at the Center City Campus of Temple University. For details, please visit www.isbiostat.org.