Mentorship Program

Mentoring Program

    Are you interested in becoming a mentor or a mentee to another statistician? Please contact us !!
Are you interested in becoming a mentor to have an impact in the career of another statistician? Are you a potential mentee, and would like to have a mentor as you begin your career as a statistician? Do you wish to have someone you can discuss your career trajectory, potential research areas, teaching practices, and other professional goals? If so, please look out for a very brief survey from the Chapter.
In 2017, the Philadelphia Chapter launched a mentoring program. It involved a process of surveying the chapter members about their interest in becoming a mentee or mentor, and matching mentors and mentees based on their responses. We aim to match based on the fields, interests and the years of experience. Typically, mentors and mentees meet on a regular basis at least once a month but may vary depending on mentee goals. We welcome all members including students, industry statisticians, consultants, educators, etc., from all levels to get involved with this program. Unfortunately, the COVID pandemic interrupted the program since 2020. We are currently only matching mentor/mentee pairs unofficially on a case by case basis. Please contact us by email if you are interested in participating in this program or leading this program for us.

Mentoring can enhance not only your practice of statistics but both your personal and professional life. Sharing your knowledge and experience between a professional practitioner and someone entering the profession of statistics can be mutually rewarding. A constructive mentorship relationship can take many forms and may occur at any stage of career with benefits for both mentor and a mentee:

Benefits to the Mentor
  • A connection with skills and perspectives of recently trained professionals.
  • Development and enhancement of communication and leadership skills.
  • Satisfaction of passing on skills and knowledge that can enhance the career and personal growth of the mentee and contribute to maturity of the profession.
Benefits to the Mentee
  • A role model, but more accurately a sounding board, for questions about methods of analysis and communication of results.
  • A source of perspective, encouragement, and motivation leading to greater self-confidence and esteem. Help in establishing professional development plans, career goals, and acceleration of their achievement.
  • A source of professional/social contacts with other applied statisticians in the field–"plugs you into the power network."
The mentoring program facilitates the initiation of the mentor-mentee relationships, and guide interaction between mentors and mentees. We are also working on the possibility of an optional mentorship in-person gathering for additional networking opportunities. Find out what would be a reasonable mentor-mentee relationship you should expect, see here. If you have any questions about this program, please email us at