National Calendar

ASA-KY - Short Course and Fall Meeting - Saturday October 13, 2018, 830AM-4PM, Lexington KY

ASA-KY is hosting a short course and Fall Meeting

On Saturday October 13th, the ASA Kentucky Chapter host a short course on Data Mining in Practice taught by Richard DeVeaux.  The course is not limited to ASA members, so please email to be added to the email list.  Additional details can be found below.  Sign up for the short course now (to ensure you get the early bird prices):

Saturday October 13th, 830-4pm, University of Kentucky, Lexington KY

Successful Data Mining in Practice – Richard De Veaux, Williams College

Sign up for the short course now (to ensure you get the early bird prices):


Large data sets (or Big Data) are becoming more common as our ability to collect and store data increases. Many new tools and methods are now available to both the experienced analyst and casual user. Unfortunately, there is a strong belief—due in large part to a series of popular Big Data books—that good results are guaranteed with just powerful algorithms and a lot of data. Instead, success is dependent on the skill and domain knowledge of the analyst and the quality and relevance of the data. However, by using principles of statistical engineering and sound statistical knowledge, the chance of success in these problems is significantly increased. This one-day course, intended both for those who wish to learn what data mining is all about and for those who have experience using data mining techniques, will show how to use data mining techniques effectively in practice. It will be a practical, hands-on introduction to the methods, based on case-studies from my experience consulting in science and industry. Although we will explain the mathematics behind the methodologies used, we will focus on the practical issues of getting results out of data mining.

More details on the instructor can be found here:

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